Twisted Tarot Tales?


Who here has this deck? And if so how does it read as a deck? I'm thinking of buying the full 106 card deck, and also for you Coloring in fans you can buy a deck to colour in yourself as well a colouring in book. I would love to colour in the deck but don't think I'm good enough! So I think I'll buy it :)


Hey Tarotlova, i got the deck months ago, if you like previous works of James Batterby, you'll like this deck also. The deck consist of many ghost and horrors stories inside, you might feel familiar with the cards if you know some of the stories, my personal favorite is Two of Cups, it depicts woman dressed in kimono is currently stretching her neck and made the man freaked out.

It is a Japanese ghost story and i like the interpretation, because 2 of cups might includes emotional feelings between two people and that long neck ghost remember me that emotions between one to another might not always at the same " length ",

I wanted the coloring book also because it has guide to each cards, but i still saving my money to get it someday, when i got the deck, i got the extra cards to match which illustrations might fit into my personal category, and i got stickers too i am so happy hahaha

This deck will do great readings, even for stories that i don't know, the imagery still on points and understandable!


Have it - love it. But like yours, my colouring is rubbish.

It reads well for me - but we all vary so much...

I have 117 cards, myself...


Thank you both so much for your replies! I know each one of us reads differently, but I just wanted to get people's opinions on actually reading with the deck as the artwork is so very different & unique! So you have both answered my question very well, that yes one can indeed read with it. I have to say when I first watched the video all these meanings were flowing out but I wanted to see how other readers felt, which it seems is very good. So what the heck I think I will buy it! :thumbsup: