Wiccan Spreads


I have the book "Tarot for All Seasons (Celebrating the Days & Nights of Power)" by Christine Jette and I just love it. I am not a practioner though, so I don't know if Wiccan would find it simplistic. It has spreads for the Esbats and each of the Sabbats. She has brief suggestions for magickal brews, candles, and scents to complement the spreads, as well as example readings for each of the spreads.

It seems very thorough to me, even though it is not a thick book.

I hope that helps...


Sounds Good

I also got a book yesterday along this theme....

"The Tarot Spellcaster" (Over 40 Spells to Enhance your Life with the power of tarot magic) by Terry Donaldson. It was at Angus and Robertson Bookworld for only $6.95 and it's great.

You choose your magical need and there is a tarot card spell to suit.



that sounds very cool - maybe you could post a few of your favorites in this thread for future on-line reference... and I was going to post the Yule spread from my book in a few days... ;)


Isisdownunder said:
Showing my ignorance now the Qabbalah?????? What is it? I am a solitary wiccan and a Priestess in the Holy Waters but I have to admit I don't know???????


Quabala is a cross-over of jewish and wiccan beliefs. The book is about Quabala, but the deck is based in Quabala, so unless you read the book, you will be lost on the symbolizm of the deck. I was until I sat down and read it. It is very interesting and talks about different Gods/Goddess and the Tree of life, which the major arcana has a lot of symbolizms to the Tree of Life.


Isisdownunder said:
Anyone out there know of some good Wiccan spreads to share?

How about doing a reading with a card at each of the five points of the pentacle, with one in the middle to represent the readee.

4 6 3
2 5

1. Current situation
2. Events leading to situation(past)
3. what is not being considered or seen
4. Advice
5. Likely outcome if advice is taken
6. Significator (represents the readee)

Just an example but you can change it to suit your needs.


Okay that did not come out the way I wanted it to...

2(bottom left)
3 (middle right)
4(middle left)
5 (Bottom right)

Draw the pentagram and put a card at each point then put number six in the middle.


rexenne2003 said:
Quabala is a cross-over of jewish and wiccan beliefs. The book is about Quabala, but the deck is based in Quabala, so unless you read the book, you will be lost on the symbolizm of the deck. I was until I sat down and read it. It is very interesting and talks about different Gods/Goddess and the Tree of life, which the major arcana has a lot of symbolizms to the Tree of Life.
Not to get too off-topic, but the Qabbala has nothing to do with Wicca, historically. It is an ancient Jewish mystical system. The Golden Dawn, then Crowley's organizations (Ordo Templi Orientus, Sol Invictus, Thelema) used it extensively, and since much of Wicca draws on Golden Dawn/Thelemic stuff, some Wiccans might study it, but it really isn't part of Wicca.
There is a board about Qabbala in the study groups board. You could go check it out to learn more.


Really? I didn't know there was a thread on Quabala. I don't know much on the history, just what was told in the companion book that came with the Witches Tarot. Cool beaners!


A simple two card spread,

card 1: Cast in the name of the Goddess

Card 2: Cast in the name of the God

Your first throw will be the most powerful and will act as a conduit for the divine forces to enter your spread, so be nice.

a third card can be added as a symbol of unified energy and act as a clarifier of the previous two.


For those interested in Qabala: go to this Table of Contents; it contains links to all the threads on Qabala that have been posted in AT. ;)