The Barnyard Friends' Tarot idea


It always seemed like so much fun to make my own tarot deck! I've always had a strange affinity for barnyard animals. I thought it would be cool to make a deck that had anthropomorphic animals represented on the cards.

My ideas so far:
0//The Fool - A sheep, since they tend to follow each other, even if it leads to something bad (like that saying, about sheep...or something)
I//The Magician - A sneaky raccoon (thanks to Curtis Penfold)
II//The High Priestess - A wise and regal barn cat (thanks rabid!)
--Illustration finished!

III//The Empress - A cow, since they're "motherly"
IV//The Emperor - A rooster, with his prettiness high above the barn
V//The Hierophant - A wise barn owl (thanks gregory :>)
VI//The Lovers - A swan and a duck
VII//The Chariot - A strong horse pulling a plow, or another pull-able object
VIII//Strength - A big tough bull with a little sparrow (thanks to Curtis Penfold for the sparrow :>)
IX//The Hermit - A far-off crow (thanks Chronata!)
X//The Wheel of Fortune - A spiderweb resembling a "wheel" (thanks to blue_fusion!)
XI//Justice - ??
XII//The Hanged Man - A bat (thanks Chronata!)
XIII//Death - A fox in a hen house (thanks Mabon-Tail!)
XIV//Temperance - ??
XV//The Devil - a farmer tempting a poor little piggy with food! how horrible! (thanks to Curtis Penfold!)
XVI//The Tower - a chaotic goat (thanks Curtis Penfold and rabid!)
XVII//The Star - ??
XVIII//The Moon - ??
XIX//The Sun - ??
XX//Judgment - ??
XXI//The World - ??

I was thinking that Judgment could perhaps be like a Ribbon Show. Since I'm really new to this, I'd really appreciate any ideas! Also, I'd be making this deck purely for myself.


Love it!

Include lots of horses!!! (I'm biased)

Donkies are more chariot to me - a bit stubborn, but with the right attitude, the cart will begin to roll.

High Priestess: A regal barn cat.


You've got a pretty cool idea going there. I can't wait to see some sample cards! :D The world needs more decks with anthropomorphic animals. They remind me of the cartoons of the 80s and 90s. Anyway, when I started making my deck, I was initially planning to make it strictly my own, as well. But, the more progress I made, the more I wanted to publish. Maybe publishing would be a good thing for you, as well.

Anyway, you could depict either Death or The Devil as a fox snagging either a chicken from a hen house, a rabbit from a hutch, or a mouse in a cornfield.


I don't see the Hermit as hiding.... Maybe a hawk of some kind ? even an owl - but that's a bit ORDINARY....


Thanks everyone!

rabid, I like that idea! Cats especially have that wise look. About the Chariot, I dunno, I personally want to put a pretty pony. They seem more strong-willed and controlling than donkeys.

Mabon-Tail, thank you! :> Actually, today I thought of a raccoon in a hen house as Death xD But I've never actually been to a real barn, so do foxes appear more?

gregory, I guess hiding isn't the right word. I don't really see hawks as barnyard animals but I'd really like to use an owl as a Hierophant!


I love this idea! I like the idea of the fox...but to me it seems like he'd make a better Devil!
Opossom seems more like Death to me. But they aren't really barnyard critters are they?

What about a Crow for hermit? Wise, often inaccessable, always just beyond reach.And magical. I know crows are very much a fixture on a farm. At least around here they are!

And have you thought about Hanged Man? I keep seeing Turkey!


A word of caution

I assume we've all heard of what happened to "Hello Tarot" the Hello Kitty themed Tarot deck. Like Hello Kitty, Barney is a trademarked character so one should be aware of any problems this may cause.


Chronata, the crow is actually better than the mouse, I think! But I do not see how turkey is a Hanged Man @-@

Mabuse, this is a barn/farm themed deck, nothing to do with the dinosaur @-@;;


well, Turkey is traditionally about sacrifice and gifts. It seems so Hanged Man to me.

Of course...there is always Bat too.


Mabuse said:
I assume we've all heard of what happened to "Hello Tarot" the Hello Kitty themed Tarot deck. Like Hello Kitty, Barney is a trademarked character so one should be aware of any problems this may cause.
Who mentioned Barney? I must be going blind?