Round 2: AT Patchwork Deck Creation


cardlady22 said:
Tower, Moon, 2 of Cups

and possibly the 4 of Cups (which I will switch another Gill Tarot card with one of my own assignments since it was my flub)

ETA: Anastacia had PMed a while ago, so I want to give her dibs if she has any of the cards- if we end up needing them. I'm thinking we should give it another 7-10 days since they're sent by zan_chan & nicole_.
Yes indeed. But I will see what I have (got another couple recently...)


:( Still no arrivals of nicole_ or zan_chan's cards.


Just a little bump. No new mail yet.


Hiya Cardlady,

I have a mystic dreamer deck that had a couple of cards get messed up so can send any of them to you except for the two messed up ones (the world card and the queen of wands cards)


:party: Happy Dance! :party:

You're Officially In! I've noted you in the first post, but we'll wait a bit for a specific card assignment.


cardlady22 said:
:party: Happy Dance! :party:

You're Officially In! I've noted you in the first post, but we'll wait a bit for a specific card assignment.

Awesome, have them here by the puter for when the specific card assignment is issued:D


I still have my incomplete Comparative. Could offer Tower or 4 of Cups. Would need to check for Moon, but I think that one is gone.


Aulruna said:
I still have my incomplete Comparative. Could offer Tower or 4 of Cups. Would need to check for Moon, but I think that one is gone.
Which do you like better? Just off the top of my head it would be cool as the 4 of Cups since it shows four decks.
ETA: Just peeked at scans. The feel from the Tower selection is awesome too.


PMs are flitting back and forth . . . we may be asking a couple of people for switcheroos.


card assignment update

I think we've done it! :grin:

Oddity ~ Papus, 4 of Cups

gregory ~ Elemental, 3 of Cups
Samurai, 7 of Swords

PathWalker ~ Arcus Arcanum (Ru), 2 of Cups

kaleanna ~ Mystic Dreamer, Moon

Aulruna ~ Comparative, Tower

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

**I would like to keep nicole_ and zan_chan in the Travel List, since I have no doubt that they mailed their cards. The loss was not their responsibility.

BlueDragonfly, you have the list of contributors to the bag, correct?