what is the TAROT?


this problem.
when u study a long time ,how do u think about it ?
it is only a deck or divine,,,,,,? thanks.


To me tarot is a way of getting a better look at my life. It helps me to analyze situations deeper then I would normally.

I am still on the edge as to whether it is divine or not. I have had some cards come after I mentally "chose" them while shuffling...


what is the tarot?

...I don't know...


i think the tarot is the mood first ,then ...it becomes a life fashion.


time is the answer,hehe~



You've actually introduced two questions here: one relating to the cards themselves, and the other relating to the system of Tarot. In respect to the former, tarot cards are simply little pieces of cardboard that are nothing more than what they appear. The latter is, IMO, a system of Divine knowledge--purhaps a collective/eclectic system of Divine knowledge--that can be tapped into using the cards. Personally, I don't know if the cards work due to Divine influence or if it's our own souls guiding the cards (probably both), but it is clear that there's more to it than just the "subconcious" at work.



The question goes tothe very heart of what Tarot is, what the cards are and where does all the "knowledge" come from. When I read it it surprised me, since it is one of those odd questions that I rarely ask myself.

In my mind, Tarot is a way of getting a different perspective on things than what I would normally have. It is a way of asking myself questions which I would never ask myself. The cards, however, are indeed pieces of paper, and have no real "holiness" or power in themselves.

As to what Tarot is, I mean, where the knowledge comes from, that is much more complicated. Perhaps it is a message from God, the spirits, electromagnetic fields or somethings else. Perhaps it is the same as religion, in the sense that we do not ask who or what the Supreme Deity is, where it came from, or when it came into being. It just is, and such is Tarot.

Just a few thoughts...


All things Taort

The Tarot is: Belief in your self, Trust in your intent, Acceptance of a basic set of archetypes and symbols based on the cultures we have been exposed to, a Process of opening ourselves up to something devine and universal, a Bonding with a querent and their need to find understanding and advice, Skill in understanding the tarot and the people around us, Curiosity about the universe and our own role and reason to exist within it.

Yes, we know its a set of 78 cards, a spread, a reader and a querent, a question or need to understand an issue----but that isn't what its all about. Tarot is about the universe and the magic within us that can reach out and, through the cards, connect us to another's issues, questions, and progress thru their life. It is belief, trust, confidence, caring. It is us as we are when we are being ourselves to the best of our ability. Dave


Amond2000 said:
this problem.
when u study a long time ,how do u think about it ?
it is only a deck or divine,,,,,,? thanks.

It's not "only" anything. It is a great and wonderful thing to me, essential to my decision making process, and part of what illuminates my love of and connection to everything.

Yes is is a deck, but a deck that allows me to connect to the divine, and create the life I was meant to. A tool to communicate with the divine, if you will,



From my experience the Tarot is not a deck of cards. It's a way of life and the cards represent a book illustrating the prospects of life in all it's beautiful intricacy. The good and the not so good if you will.

Is it not interesting the similarities between Tarot and Tao? It's not a coincidence the two words are alike.


I must admit that in many ways I tend to agree with MystiqueMoonlight, in that the Tarot is not a deck of cards... yet in other ways I would state the exact opposite.

In some manner, I would therefore characterise Tarot as a spiritual impulse to awaken the imaginative faculty, taking its form as specific images in specific order and manner that normally manifests as cards.

In that sense, it may be that there are antecedents that have similarities to Tarot and yet are not tarot (such as those Cathedral stone carvings I often mention).

The importance, however, is not the cards, but its transformative impact. Yet for tarot to be Tarot, I would also suggest that the imagery on 'cards' (whether cardboard or not is not so vital) is also important.