5 Card Career Spread


Hey guys and gals,

I was doing a reading last night and I decided to create this little spread. The question the querant had was related to her husband's career, and what the future outlook appeared to be.

So I created this little spread:


Card 1: Present Situation (on the job)
Card 2: Conscious Goals - what they are trying to accomplish
Card 3: Obstacles - What is preventing the goals from happening
Card 4: Advice - How to overcome these obstacles
Card 5: Outcome

Give it a try and see what you think. I suppose this spread could be used for just about any situation as well, not just job related.


Cool spread Jeff..

I like star shaped spreads.


Thanks Sulis....I think they are rather neat as well. I wanted to create a spread that didn't use too many cards, while at the same time, still gave you a lot to look at and read.

For those into elemental dignities, I'm sure you could group each card into a pair of three.

For example, cards 1, 4, 2. Cards 2, 4, 5. Cards 3, 1, 5. And so on.


I have try this spread.


i like your spread!!

it seams good to get an advice for my actual situation.
I'll give it a try!
Thx for sharing