The New Arcana by Debbie Fong


Didn't find a thread on this so I figured I'd start one to spread the word.

The deck has less than 48 hours to go on kickstarter but has already met its target goal (and then some). The deck features a light hearted modern take on the major arcana, with some cards retaining their original names and meanings while others are new cards entirely. There will be extra cards added to the deck thanks to the deck meeting its funding stretch goals. :)
Not a deck that will appeal to everyone, but I find it pretty charming :D

The Happy Squirrel

Didn't find a thread on this so I figured I'd start one to spread the word.

The deck has less than 48 hours to go on kickstarter but has already met its target goal (and then some). The deck features a light hearted modern take on the major arcana, with some cards retaining their original names and meanings while others are new cards entirely. There will be extra cards added to the deck thanks to the deck meeting its funding stretch goals. :)
Not a deck that will appeal to everyone, but I find it pretty charming :D

I saw this a few days ago. I am thinking of backing it :D


Yes, I've been torn on it for a little while too haha. The enamel Devil pin added as a stretch goal finally sold me for good though :laugh:


I'd be hard pressed to call it tarot


The Vegan Doughnut? This is definitely not for me!


I like this deck, The Snake Plant card alone makes me want it. But I am uncomfortable with the idea that there are cards in this deck that only exist because of the level of funding that was received. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.