Cattle Call – Upcoming Extravaganza!


offstage and to herself, Julien considers that movie -- The Gods Must Be Crazy -- you know, the part, where the coke bottle falls out of the sky...

Indeed... What have the rubber critters wrought.

(But very insightful -- and again, thanks to both you and Umbrae -- quite the deck, it must be, but quite the readers as well. I am humbled by your abilities to perceive.)

Major Tom

Julien said:
I shall be in Europe during next summer's travels, and if I am able, I would very much like to stop in and give you some of my business, and perhaps talk a bit of Tarot with you. I love vineyards...

That would be lovely - I'll look forward to your visit. Despite the blinkered views of equine and avian metaphores, the vineyard enjoys warm sunshine during the summer. ;)

Umbrage and furmitten - Do let me know when you need me or Papa Toad to make a speech. :p :laugh:


Huredriel wearily makes her way back in ........ spots the comfy sofa ...... and drops into it with a heartfelt sigh ...... Ahhh that's better ....... now where's that letter gone?

She digs around in her bag ..... and finally a dog-eared, chocolate-smeared piece of paper can be seen ....... Hmmmm, trifle ....... that gal sure has a sweet tooth ...... Ahhh morty, you there??? I told my friend bout your reading ....... wanna hear what she said?

The pgymy pony trots in view ...... but no sign of Morty .... yet a faint clucking can be heard ....... Huredriel looks around ...... and spies a leg hidden under one of the tables ...... Pygmy ...... have you been trying to squash Morty again ...... or *gasp* ..... erase him :eek:?

Pygmy flutters his eyelashes ....... and assumes an angelic look on his face ....... not saying a word, while Huredriel feels bad for even suggesting such a thing ...... while Morty eventually limps over, looking somewhat deflated :(

Now my mate lives on the other side of the world ...... you'd think she's be happy with all that sunshine and the beaches ...... but nooooo, wants to travel, itches to travel ....... needs to travel *sigh* ...... has even been to see many people ....... and paid to hear what they can *see* for her ....... and ya know ....... it's exactly what you've said. Her spiritual home isn't where she lives now ...... and yep ...... she's been a-changing ...... wants to change everything ...... just like that little Dragon ..... though she's still got the Ox outfit on ..... not quite time to reveal her shiny new coat ;) ....... ohhhh and wanting to breathe fire ....... yep this is one hot girly ..... wouldn't like to have that fire breathed in my direction :D.

Huredriel reaches out and grabs the drink that had mysteriously appeared in front of her ....... letting it soothe her throat as it trickled down.

Now, where was I ..... oh yeah .... now this thing about work and troubles ........ like I said, an ox costume at the moment, tries to persevere ...... but all that hidden fire ..... means she has to keep control of her temper ..... and boy does she wanna clash with her *boss* at times ... in fact it's happened before ........ so, nothing going on there at the moment ........ but yeah, it's coming ....... and, just my opinion ...... but I reckon that'll be when she has to be true to herself ...... and will let them see the dragon in all its glory ....... when it's time to walk away, she'll shed the ox costume, flap those wings and soar up into the sky above them ;)

And with the message delivered ..... Huredriel snuggles up into the corner of the squishy sofa and settles down for a little nap ;)


Julien tip toes in and settles a nice fuzzy throw over Hurdriel so that she can nap snug as a bug in a rug... Then tip toes off stage...

Major Tom

Through the total darkness the sound of drums beating to a rythym of six can be heard approaching. As it gets closer we hear male voices chanting, "Papa!" immediately followed by female voices, "Bufo, Bufo!"

Suddenly the drums stop and the lights come up slowly from a dull red to the cheery glow of a paraffin lantern.

Papa Toad examines a slip of paper which reads, "3, Lauriston Gardens, of Brixton Road.

"Umbrage said he had a gig for me and gave me this address. I wonder where everyone is?"

It was a large square room, looking all the larger from the absence of all furniture. A vulgar flaring paper adorned the walls, but it was blotched in places with mildew, and here and there great strips had become detached and hung down, exposing the yellow plaster beneath. Opposite the door was a showy fireplace, surmounted by a mantelpiece of imitation white marble. On one corner of this was stuck the stump of a red wax candle. The solitary window was so dirty that the light was hazy and uncertain, giving a dull grey tinge to everything, which was intensified by the thick layer of dust which coated the whole apartment.

Papa Toad slaps his head, "Of course! A Study in Scarlet! How silly of me! It's about Netzach and Sunday's butterflies."

Netzach said:
From the way she is dressed, it would seem that she is still editing the town newspaper - although her green eyeshade, rolled up shirtsleeves and braces (suspenders in American, I think) look somewhat strange with her elegant red woollen skirt and high heeled black patent shoes.

Peers directly into the camera. "Looks like she's wearing a belt and braces. Some folks like to be safe."

"Ah well, since no one has shown, I'm not staying here." Papa Toad raises his arms and we're in the vineyard.

"The balance is found between the vortex and chaos. Death is an essential part of life. Without death there can be no life. It'll be interesting to see what Morty and the pygmy pony can make of those butterflies. I suspect the answer has something to do with the letter 'M'"


Peers at the palm of her right hand, at the M that rests between her life and fate, the incomplete mark that bears no translation.

The ineffable, as my husband has rightly noticed, is f'n effable....


Due to Tapanuli Fever, and some mislabeled scientific experiment uh…samples, for which we may blame none other than one Culverton Smith, the reading will take place on Monday.

Also, it is important to note that daughter of the captain of the 'Marie Celeste' was named, Sophia Matilda Briggs.

Yet another mystery solved.

Now if I can get that rhythm in the sticks outta my mind and make it through one more silly add-on holiday...


Morty sits at a side table in a dark and noisy pub. On the table before him, is a darkened gin glass half-filled with the pungent butts of hand-rolled cigarettes. The eraser pony comes skittering in full-speed ahead, and comes to a grinding halt in front of the chicken.

Oh wise guy eh, Pigmy?!

(wearing false moustache)​
Me no Pigmy – my nemme Borat.

Yech! Yuck! Ick! Stop it! stop it right now!

How you say? my nemme Borat.

Come here and lay out this spread, Pigmy we have work to do.

Me no Pigmy, my nemme Borat…

Borat, I no like your movie, why you keep your chicken in a suitcase? My nemme Borat .. My nemme Borat…

No, no, my nemme Borat! You nemme Morty. Stop! Stop! Okay, Boss, I lay out de sprrread for friend of the Scarlet Woman. You know – the Butterflies.


What were the bottom cards of the three piles Pigmy?

Ah 1) Stars 2) Coffin and 3) Book. The General theme is the first card, is Stars, Morty. Stars are kind of like Butterlies, don't you think? Both are sort of a spark of light from somewhere far away - a light that flickers and flutters, and disappears. Yellow butterflies are like far off bits of sun, come from out of nowhere. Now when I look for butterflies in these cards I see a few butterflies on the SCYTHE - a dragonfly on the LILIES, but you know what reminds me of Butterflies the most in these cards, Morty, are the butterfly-winged fairies on the CHILD. The Child card shows a little girl in a swing. There is a green fairy climbing in the tree branch above the child, a blue fairy flying towards the child, and a little blue-green fairy slurping strawberries near her feet.

I don't know what they mean yet!

I would also like to point out, the Lady has a bunch of solid cards above and under her. The book says what is under the person card, is what you are suppressing, but in this spread, I want to say it is not suppression, but foundation. She has MAN under her, and ANCHOR, it makes me think she is probably well-grounded and in a good solid relationship.

I notice something interesting too, in that the SHIP is underneath the ANCHOR. It makes me think that underneath the solid foundation is a lot of water. At first I thought it might a bit of a shakeup could create a liquifaction disaster in the foundation that would suck everything under... but when I looked at it again, I thought of an underground stream ... I think the water in the SHIP card shows me that underneath the solid foundation, is a fount of creativity that is flowing happily, perhaps the job harnasses a steady stream of creative inspriation, something artistic.

What lies on top of the lady is the bouquet of FLOWERS - something that shows to me she will be showered with accolades, and receive adulation. That whole line looks very happy to me.

To the right of the Lady card - these cards represent the past - and it is not so happy. We see mice and clouds, it suggests worries in the past has been eating away at her, and the cards to the left - her future cards, do not show the worries dissipating quickly. On the contrary, the SCYTHE points to the BOOK suggesting that she may be keeping these worries secret within, and their festering risks cause danger even to her health, if an outlet is not found for them. However the DOG, CLOVER, and STORK in the further future, suggest that a wonderful friend will come to her aid. We see the butterflies of the SCYTHE card, reflect as a patch of yellow in the glass ball the DOG is playing with. Perhaps a faithful friend will allow the butterflies to escape into the mirror, and bring relief, good luck, good cheer, and happy change.

Or perhaps what the DOG's ball, the fairies and the CHILD are all trying to say, is PLAY PLAY PLAY. A suggestion to play ball with the dog, ride in a swing, will let the inner clouds fly. Do you think that is part of the message of the butterflies?​


Netzach pulls herself up to her full height and bristles.

See here you pigmy, you. Jes a'cos I wears a red skirt don't mean that I's a scarlet woman . . . an' I'll thank you to keep your salacious epithets to yoursel' !!! Now I's off to telegraph my friend and see what she has to say 'bout the rest of the stuff you've talked about.

Netzach straightens her eyeshade and stalks off in the direction of the newspaper office.


Don't go too far Ma'am... My partner here, the rubber chicken... well actually - he's latex, I'm rubber, I have been pieced together with litttle erasers that you get off number two pencils, some are chewed off, but most are cut off, some are red and some are green and one large rhomboid artist one for the body... you know -- but my friend he's latex, I think he's latex, he says his mammy was an inner-tube and his granpappy was a cowbow, I guess he means a shredded cowboy hat, but you never know... anyhow he's from a mould, they pour in the liquid in a mold, and it gets hard, well, sort of hard, not that hard, because as you all know a rubber chicken isn't funny if he doesn't flop over... but anyhow, we wait for him...he will make great prounoncements... like "my nemme Borat"....