What are some crystals and stones that help release what no longer serves you?


What are crystals and stones to help with releasing what no longer serves you? The includes clutter as well as unhealthy things - basically anything that is not beneficial to you or is unhealthy in any way. This can also include things that while they are not harmful, are not helpful either. I'm not sure how to go about searching for this in my crystal/stone books. If you can think of any crystals/stones, please also describe how they helped you. Thank you.


Another unanswered thread! My go-to for this is quartz with black tourmaline inclusions (tourmalined/tourmalated/tourmalinated quartz, depending on who you ask)... I just feel like it sucks up negativity and problem-things, transmutes it into something positive and helpful, and then the quartz just magnifies that and sends it back out as something useful. Is that what you are looking for? I find that the finer the inclusions, the better... I love when they are these really fine, tiny matrices of tourmaline within the quartz. This is one of the few stones I love tumbled as much as, if not more so, than rough...



Another unanswered thread! My go-to for this is quartz with black tourmaline inclusions (tourmalined/tourmalated/tourmalinated quartz, depending on who you ask)... I just feel like it sucks up negativity and problem-things, transmutes it into something positive and helpful, and then the quartz just magnifies that and sends it back out as something useful. Is that what you are looking for? I find that the finer the inclusions, the better... I love when they are these really fine, tiny matrices of tourmaline within the quartz. This is one of the few stones I love tumbled as much as, if not more so, than rough...

What a great answer! Yes, this sounds like what I am looking for - and you described the situation very well.

Actually, it's funny that you mentioned tourmalinated quartz. I have recently started to look again at tourmalinated quartz. I never was crazy about the stone, but now I think I like it more. I like to have black tourmaline with me because it's SO protective and so useful and it's really like a little guard dog. I also like to have clear quartz (because it is also an awesome stone) and from what has been recommended to me for other things, clear quartz is an excellent stone for me to have, as well as black tourmaline. So, I decided to give tourmalinated quartz a second examination, because it combines two stones which I feel are very important to always have around, regardless of what your stone/crystal needs are. I'll check it out!

P.S. I dislike unanswered threads too! :)


I gave a friend some small pieces of pumice just recently, so she could take it into the water with her (at the beach, but a river serves as well), because I've read that to focus all of your negative energy into the stone lets you release it into the ocean where it is cleansed... the baggage we carry weighs heavy, but the pumice floats, regardless, carrying our troubles away...

Other than that, I believe that intention is paramount in how well crystals and you can work together, so programming the crystal to best align with your purpose will allow any mineral to work well with you... :) I have hundreds of stone friends, and from one day to the next, I change my mind/heart as to which will comfort, inspire, uplift, and energise me... They are all beautiful! :)


When I first read the title, the initial stone that popped in my mind was Moldavite.

Moldavite is a transformation stone. It lets you release those unwanted things in your life. But be careful though, it may be painful as moldavite tends to do so.


When I first read the title, the initial stone that popped in my mind was Moldavite.

Moldavite is a transformation stone. It lets you release those unwanted things in your life. But be careful though, it may be painful as moldavite tends to do so.

I've read about Moldavite but I'm a bit afraid of it being a strong stone. I prefer stones with gentle energies.


Hello Labhrain... seems we left you hanging after the moldavite suggestion...:-0

Staurolite is an excellent stone for letting go of habitual behaviour, whether physical addictions or self-limiting thoughts and patterns of behaviour. I don't believe it is anywhere near as potent as moldavite (although I've used moldavite and forgot I even had it in a silver egg necklace around my neck... I felt no overwhelming energy, but it ever so gently nudged me in ways I didn't actually notice... until I later noticed :) Blessings to you. :)

The Happy Squirrel

Another unanswered thread! My go-to for this is quartz with black tourmaline inclusions (tourmalined/tourmalated/tourmalinated quartz, depending on who you ask)... I just feel like it sucks up negativity and problem-things, transmutes it into something positive and helpful, and then the quartz just magnifies that and sends it back out as something useful. Is that what you are looking for? I find that the finer the inclusions, the better... I love when they are these really fine, tiny matrices of tourmaline within the quartz. This is one of the few stones I love tumbled as much as, if not more so, than rough...

Oooo someone gave me this once. I don't know where it is now.... :( But the inclusions were more brown than black....

Good to know a bit about it now.

Labhrain, thanks for asking this question :)


Oooo someone gave me this once. I don't know where it is now.... :( But the inclusions were more brown than black....

Good to know a bit about it now.

Labhrain, thanks for asking this question :)

Hmmm... if the inclusions were more brown than black, it could very well be Rutilated Quartz instead, which is super cool in its own right!

Rutile usually appears in very thin. hair-like lines within a quartz crystal, and can be light golden or darker reddish brown (also apparently silver and even greenish on occasion, but I've never personally encountered the latter). I would say that Rutile in Quartz is good at getting you on the right track, filtering out negativity but also distractions, and allowing you to pursue more successfully that which fulfills you. It might be a nice stone to have around when you feel a little lost or confused- it seems to have a stabilizing effect. Do you think your stone is/was Rutilated Quartz? I suppose it could still be Tourmaline- it does have brown varieties, but I've never seen them in Quartz :) I hope it turns up!!


Healing Minerals

I'm late to the game here, but for the sake of other latecomers to the thread I'd like to recommend quantum quattro silica in addition to the other great recommendations. This material is useful for healing and especially for emotional healing. It is a very beautiful mixture of smoky quartz, chrysocolla, malachite, shattuckite & dioptase and is inexpensive and easy to find.