Spreads to use with the Vanessa?


I've just received my new Vanessa through the post, and I was wondering if anyone could recommend any spreads that they like to use with it.

I'm a bit of a newbie, so I'm looking for spreads on any topic (sorry to be so vague), but that will help me work with the character of the Vanessa.

From other posts I've read on here, I guess that means mainly relationship ones, career ones, but above all, fun and (much as I hate to use the word cos I'm sooooo English) sassy ones!


CJ/: the link did not work for me unfortunately but thanks anyway for a wonderful suggestion for a good book! I had a sneak peak of it at amazon and it is niw on my wish list!



Ooh, thanks for that suggestion. Can't see the page you're talking about, but the search inside the book function on amazon makes the book look fun (and very suitable for the vanessa)!


I think some ppl use this deck for past life readings also...


Bathtub Spread?

I'm still trying to get through the various links and posts here

BUT this one seemed pretty cute, and adaptable
(reply #5 Spreads based On Shapes)

And on a quirky note, how about personalizing a spread based on the letters in your name? Maybe look up some of the numerology associations between letters and planets to help determine the 'theme' . . .

I'm looking at a a book by M.F. "Chance" Wyatt called Cardology The True Meaning of the Cards. It's about playing cards/cartomancy, but on page 116 there is a diagram for the One-Year Wave-line Spread, using 13 cards. Each card covers about 28 days and they undulate. Makes me think of surfing through life, or maybe a winding road from the old days of car trip/Route 66 vacations!
#1,2,3 are descending
#4,5,6 come back up
#7 sits like a crest or white-cap just above
#8,9,10 are descending again
#11,12,13 come back up

If that's not clear enough, you end up with 3 rows of cards
(not counting #7- crest)

--3 4-----10 11 *on this line they touch each other: 3-4 space 10-11

Some people use the 13 cards as a clock or wheel of the year, with a Center card.