A writer's focus spread


I thought a few of us could use a spread like this - namely me. Sometimes so many ideas pop that I have a hard time choosing between them so, a focus spread will help here. Please feel free to suggest things, let's make this spread come alive!

the information needed from the reading will be:
general area of focus with extra clarifications on topics(several).
background needed to help in project
is the idea a good one?
should it be modified and if so how?
divine energies that will help out with project...what else am I missing?


I'm confused, wordwitch - are you looking for a spread to help you choose one of your many ideas, or a spread to help you find a better narrative focus for your chosen idea?


Maybe for each idea, It could be:

1. The idea
2. What is good about it?
3. What is bad about it?
4. Challenges to face when following through with it?
5. Advice on how to proceed?

Don't know what shape to put it in though?


Have you checked the Tarot Spreads Forum Index? (It should be a thread a few threads above this one...)

There are some excellent writers spreads there that you might like to try.


Yes, I checked those out and they aren't quite what I am looking for. I need something to help me choose between options as well as show me how to best go about it...KWIM?


1 - What to focus on
2, 3, 4... - Various ideas
5, 6, 7... - Are these good ideas? (Respective to above card)
8 - How to choose
9 - How to proceed
10 - What you're missing
11, 12 - Guiding energies


You can add/subtract cards from the right side for more/fewer than 3 ideas. For the various ideas, you can go through the cards and choose significators for them. These could be any cards, not just court cards. Or, you can assign each idea a spot and see how the card you pull reflects that idea.


Oh I like that lavender cloud! Gonna try it out... ;) Thanks!


Thanks wordwitch - let me know how you like it! I'm a writer too, so if I actually get around to writing, I will try it also.


This seems like a lot of questions for one spread, especially when asking about multiple ideas at the same time. On the other hand, asking about all the ideas at once means you can easily compare them.

I guess I'd try to have a few simple positions for each idea, like so:

1 - Advantages of the idea
2 - Disadvantages of the idea
3 - Best way to present the idea

Then I'd have a row for each idea, the better to compare and contrast them. And if I wanted advice on the general theme I should focus on, I'd draw a separate card at the beginning to represent it.