

I've done very few larger spreads, usually sticking with up to three cards. The larger spreads, like the Celtic Cross, seem intimidating. Any advice on approaching such a spread?

Oddball Zoe

I would suggest that you choose spreads for depth rather than breadth. Interpreting a large reading can be a daunting task because there's a lot of information that is difficult to fit together. Instead of trying to change for spreads like the Celtic Cross (which I've never liked), you should choose ones that will love you just the way you are. The big spreads that have been giving you problems may simply be a bad match. It's not you, it's them. Big spreads that focus on a specific aspect of a situation may be better suited for your current style. And who knows -- after practicing with them, you may eventually try the CC again and find that it's a piece o' cake.

But if you want to build your confidence for larger spreads in general, here are some simple, mid-sized ones that I pulled from Banzhaf and Theler. They range from four to seven cards.

4 cards: The Cross


1. The situation/question.
2. You shouldn't do this.
3. You should do this.
4. The result.

5 cards: The Plan Game


1. The plan.
2. Your motivation (may be subconscious).
3. External influences.
4. How it won't succeed.
5. How it will succeed.

6 cards: The Partner Game (for two people drawing at the same time)

(Note: You're A, and your partner is B.)
1A__1B How I see you.
2A__2B How I see me.
3A__3B How I see our relationship.

7 cards: The Decision


(Note: Don't compare X and Y. Compare X and not X.)
7. Problem, question's background, or how you see the situation.
3,1,5. What will happen if you do X, in chronological order.
4,2,6. What will happen if you don't do X, in chronological order.

7 cards: The Relationship Game


(Note: The left is the querent, the right is the partner.)
1. The current situation or the theme of the relationship.
7,2. What you both think about the relationship and each other.
6,3. What you both feel, fear or desire regarding the relationship and each other.
5,4. The attitudes about the relationship and each other that you both show to the outside world. May differ from real thoughts and feelings.