9 of swords + Wheel of Fortune


Since you've said you couldn't feel worse about your job right now, then I just think the 9 of Swords represents that. The Wheel of Fortune may indicate that you're nervous about whether promotion would make things better or whether the turning of the Wheel would bring worse feelings. Maybe drawing another card or two on the Wheel's meaning (don't post in this thread, though---it would be for Your Readings maybe) would give you more information on what the results of the turning of the Wheel would bring you. Then you'd be able to determine whether it would be positive or negative.

I am definitely worried that the challenges presented by a new/different job might highlight personal characteristics that have kept me from advancing in the past. However, I am hopeful that a new opportunity will challenge and excite me. I may draw another card later to see where it may go. Thank you.