Buddha Tarot - White Tara (XXI. The World)


The World card in this deck is an image of White Tara standing on top of Mount Meru.

I'll have much more to say about this card in a bit; this post is just to start the thread.



It has Taras in it! Now I have to get this deck. :D


stella01904 said:
It has Taras in it! Now I have to get this deck. :D

Just the white Tara (above) and the Green Tara, who appears as what would be the Queen of Cups in a "regular" deck. Wouldn't it be cool to have a deck with all 21 Taras?

It is a fabulous deck, I would encourage you to get it.



White Tara

This card is absolutely cram-packed with Buddhist symbols.

The colored wedges radiating to the perimeter of the card correspond to the colors that the deck artist used for each of the four suits, blue for wind/wisdom at her feet (oriented to the east), red for fire/love, yellow for earth/beauty, and green for water/rightful action. The projections making the card look a little like it has a Celtic cross on it are apparently called the four doors

Tara has seven eyes; you can't see the eyes on the soles of her feet, and the third eye on her forehead looks more like a bindi to me, but the eyes on the palms of her hand are clearly visible (I've always found them a little creepy-looking). The seven eyes represent the seven chakras that have opened and allow clear vision. She can see into every aspect of reality, past, present and future. That's a white lotus in full bloom (even the degree of bloom is significant), she is holding in her left hand, a symbol of purity and tranquility.

Although the commentary in the Place's book doesn't point this out, she is extending her right hand in the Varada mudra, the gesture of giving or wish-granting mudra.

Tara is standing on Mount Meru. I'm having trouble finding a good link for this statement, but I'm going to assert it anyway: it is more typical to see Tara seated than standing. I am more familiar with seeing Kuan Yin standing. Tara most frequently sits. Because this card image is deliberately allied by Place to coordinate with the Tarot anima mundi, this Tara stands.



Master_Margarita said:
Just the white Tara (above) and the Green Tara, who appears as what would be the Queen of Cups in a "regular" deck. Wouldn't it be cool to have a deck with all 21 Taras?
As well as the Taras who save from the Eight Great Fears - surely that's enough for a small deck!

She's known as the Mother of the Buddhas, she's appropriate on the World card, IMHO. :)
It is a fabulous deck, I would encourage you to get it.
I think this will definitely be my next deck! :D