Keep the Relationship Going Strong


Keep the Relationship Going Strong Spread by lalalibra

This is a relationship spread that's meant to help specifically call attention to certain sides of our character so that we can be more aware of what each person brings to the relationship dynamic. With an awareness of both the strengths and the potential pitfalls, we can be better prepared to nurture the relationship's well-being.

It's important to see ourselves and others clearly in order to build and maintain strong, healthy, and genuinely loving connections. Whether or not things are going smoothly, relationships always take work.

We're human. We all have positive traits that support our relationships with ease, and then we also have those negative traits or beliefs that seem to be programmed to sabotage the health and balance of our relationships if we were to let it go that way. But we are not powerless. Those more difficult traits aren't something to beat ourselves up over; they're something to recognize as an opportunity to transform and to grow from. Overcoming challenges in ourselves and in our relationship can truly help us to grow closer to ourselves and to one another.

The goal is for both people to do their part in all areas of the relationship and to have productive, open communication in order to strengthen the heart connection.


Relationship Spread to Keep it Going Strong by lalalibra


1. How do I feel about my partner? (How do I feel about the relationship, about being with my partner?)

2. How does my partner feel about me? (How do they feel about the relationship, about being with me?)

3. How have things been? What's been going on between us lately? What are the results of how we've actually been doing together at this point?

4. Joint effort - What area can we strengthen and improve upon within our relationship? What area can we focus on in order to keep the relationship going strong? This may be an area of weakness. Or, it may be an area that isn't necessarily weak at all, but could simply benefit from an effort made to work on, improve, develop, or maintain it... This card is more of a general theme, while the following cards in the spread show more specific focus areas for each individual to move forward.

5. How can I better approach the relationship?

6a. My positive traits/actions that benefit the relationship dynamic. (encourage and draw more upon this, nurture this in yourself)

6b. My potential pitfall - negative traits/actions to beware of that challenge or potentially detract from the relationship.

7. How can my partner better approach the relationship?

8a. My partner's positive traits/actions that benefit the relationship dynamic. (encourage or nurture this in your partner, such as by expressing gratitude)

8b. My partner's potential pitfall - negative traits/actions to be aware of that challenge or potentially detract from the relationship.

9. Outcome of where the relationship is headed over the next [chosen time frame]


***Options for MODIFICATION***

~~~ Sometimes a shorter spread is preferable (less redundant), so you could trim this down by removing cards 1 and 2, with the intention that card 3 should suffice.

~~~ Removing the "outcome card" altogether if you wish, depending on your preference... With an outcome card, it's mainly important to clearly define what that card specifically means to you before you read; not just with this spread, but with any spread that has an outcome card in general...
- Do you intend for it to signify "What is most likely to happen if things continue as they are now?"
- OR does it signify "The best possible outcome given that the advice in the spread will be taken into consideration and applied with our best, most sincere efforts?"

~~~ Adding an "immediate future / coming influence" card to further understand the advice shown in the spread; how those actual steps might be put into practice given this particular insight about what is likely to unfold or come next. (And I would place this before the outcome card, right above it. Or if you don't use an outcome card, then you may find this to be a good replacement for it.)


Very interesting spread!
I am going to try it in the next few days :)


that looks like a really awesome spread!!! Going to try it out


I am really excited to try this!! :) Thanks so much for posting this spread!


Thanks for letting me know that you all found the spread to seem worth a try! It makes me happy to hear! I hope it works well for you all. :)

Also, I'm always interested to hear about any suggestions for it.

Myself, I've thought of a few modification options:

-- Sometimes a shorter spread is preferable, so you could trim this down by removing cards 1 and 2, with the intention that card 3 should suffice.

-- Removing the "outcome card" altogether if you wish, depending on your preference...
With an outcome card, it's mainly important to clearly define what that card specifically means to you before you read; not just with this spread, but with any spread that has an outcome card in general...
...Do you intend for it to signify "What is most likely to happen if things continue as they are now?"
...Or does it signify "The best possible outcome given that the advice in the spread will be taken into consideration and applied with our best, most sincere efforts?"

-- Adding an "immediate future / coming influence" card to further understand the advice shown in the spread; how those actual steps will may be put into practice given this particular insight about what is likely to unfold or come next given the current energy. (And I would place this before the outcome card, if you use one.)