I need a good yes or no spread.


I really need a good yes or no spread with 3 or 5 card.


There are links to several "Yes or No" -spreads in our Tarot Spreads Index (They are in post #5 of the Index)


I just did the Mary Greer one, I read the card with the WOF and it's seems accurate!

Krystal Mystic

I sometimes use the 3 card yes/no spread in Mary Greer's book, "Tarot for Yourself", page 107. You lay out 3 cards in a row. Upright means yes and Reversed means no.
Card 1 counts one. Card 2 counts two. Card 3 counts one.
When you count up the results, may get a definite yes/no, a qualified yes/no (mix of upright and reversed cards), and ties where there is no definitive answer. I usually also interpret the cards for more insight.

Sometimes I feel that three cards are insufficient to the question. I use a five card spread the same way, totaling the number of upright and reversed cards and counting the middle position twice.

If I am confused about why I got a certain answer, I shuffle the remaining deck 3 times, cut once, and draw a clarification card. This usually explains the answer very well for me.