crystals and adhd


First off, if this isn't the right spot to post this - then i'm super sorry!
Okay, so I'm very new to using crystals but I want to learn.
My boyfriend doesn't necessarily believe they work, but he doesn't think they'll do him any harm.

He has ADHD and has been on and off meds before.

What crystals would you suggest that he carry with him for those times when he's unable to renew his prescription? Over the summer he's fine without medication, but the stress of school brings on these moments of hyper activity and 'word vomit' as we like to call it. He just needs something to clear his mind and ground him.

Thanks for your help!


stone power

Hi... I reccommend a wonderful book to you, Stone Power by Dorothee L. Mella, which is most helpful in finding stones/crystals that will help with various calm the mind she seems to say turquoise would work the best, but any blue stone will carry a calming color vibration for mental peace and tranquil thoughts.

Good luck to you and your bf, too.

Onion Budgie

I'd suggest staurolite, calcite or chrysoprase as useful stones for calming and focusing an overactive/stressed mind.

Turquoise is good too, as chimera recommends above.

I hope your bf finds a stone that works for him. :)


chimera68: Thank you so much for the book recommendation! I'll have to check it out :)

Onion Budgie: Thank you! I'll let him know so he can choose one himself