An Important Time...



First a question: Are you eastern standard time? If so, your ascendant is 24 Leo.

Oops, meant to say a Jupiter/Jupiter opposition! (and that will enliven your life a lot) which occurs every twelve years.

Your 4th house (home and family) is ruled by Scorpio and the ruler, Pluto, is being trined by transiting Pluto (exact right now along with the south node!). If there was ever a time for you to make a big move, this is it. You've never experienced this before and won't ever again. It's been hovering back and forth over the last two years and is now leaving the 14th degree of Sagg forever.

The 4th house, as I see it, is our soul. It's where we feel things so deeply, we can't even describe the feelings. Your natal Pluto is in the 12th...another house of feelings, although much different than the 4th. This very powerful trine of "the Pluto's" is coalesing these two houses and says to me it's time for Marion to cherish from the past what was fulfilling, but also to embrace the new life that awaits. All of this very intense emotion can feel odd and frightening to a natal Capricorn Moon, whom is used to being emotionally reserved.

Your progressed Moon at 6 Cap was conjuncted a few months ago by transiting Chiron. Another very emotional time; perhaps you were hurt by someone, or a long ago hurt resurfaced. Whatever the case, Chiron is the wounded healer and wounds do heal with love and nourishment...two things to give yourself in abundance.

The very best wishes on your new journey. May you walk in contentment, peace and happiness.



Hellllooooo Pollux!!

Haven't seen you on the astrology forum for a long time and I thought you vanished from the scene. Glad you're back!

The only thing Pluto/node is doing in your chart is opposing your Sun/Mars conjunction in Gemini. The other planets are much too wide an orb to be affected. Although Saturn is making some beautiful music with those planets!! School should be getting easier or at least more bearable. And perhaps the instructors will take a chill pill.

As you know, you've been under Pluto/Sun/Mars for a long time and it will soon be coming to an end. I'm sure you learned a lot about yourself and the world during this time. The nodal connection to Sun/Mars (it's actually passed 15 degrees now) probably seeded new energies and enlightenment in your relationships.

You're doing just fine young man and we all love you!



I cannot thank you enough for that AG. It does seem like a very momentous time for me. I have ripped up enough security issues for a lifetime. First marriage, and now house and job. Marriage gone, house and job about to undergo radical change! And yup, I am very emotionally reserved. That was very supportive and thank you again!

And, yes, I think it would have been EST.


OOOoooopsss... I just made an ass of myself

I am so sorry... I feel so... embarassed... Sorry Aquarian Diva!!! :* :* :*

Not only it is ages we have not heard from each other, but the time I show up, I behave as a fool...
I got confused while reading your first post - my brain is just not working properly these days... :rolleyes:

AquarianGoddess said:
Pluto is stationing direct on the 26th (which it does once a year), but it's conjunct the South Node, making this unlike other Pluto stations. (...)
The conjunction takes place at 14 degrees of Sagg.
I simply... :| ... inverted the datas! *LOL* :D
I confused the day (14th instead of 26th) with the degree (26° instead of 14°) and viceversa... who's dumber than me? :p
I am so awfully sorry, No I will have to keep far from this section for so long, till nobody remembers this... I am so ashamed... *Pollux goes to hide behind AquarianGoddess long floral skirt*

So... Pluto (ARGH!!! This plantes rocks me so badly!) is NOT doing anything of the above, since it's not transiting on the 26°... Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry... Oh my, I feel so dumb now... *LOL*

Since it's transiting at 14° (I get it now! 8)) he's "simply" opposing my Sun/MArs. Yup, you're right. And after all this is nothing new... ;) *LOL*
You are right, it is almost 2 years (TWO YEARS!!! *LOL*) I am having "issues" and"focus" with relationships - even though it is not that apparent... First Saturn, then Saturn and Pluto... Now only Pluto... ah...

I am glad to hear school will get easier. I was looking forward to that. In these terms the past was the worst period of all. I hope I'll do a bit better than I did these year - I would not mind some more Full Marks cum laude... :D

Thank you AG!!! And Sorry again for my-... dumbness!!!
I LOVE YOU!!! :* :* :* :* :*


AG, you were asking about noticeable effects of this transit.
I just offered a woman from our Calgary office a transfer and a substantial promotion to my office. She is thrilled, but it means she is taking her ex to court to get permission to take the kids out of province.
The number of position changes in my office, plus peripheral impacts, is incredible, largely because of my leaving soon. People are moving all over the building, changing jobs and bosses. All centred around September 3rd. Two of the big moves are based almost completely on changing boss-employee relationships.
One of my friends is backing out of a long-time very intense relationship.
None of these are 'small deals', each is having multiple impacts. This must be a pretty intense alignment for so much to be happening at once.



HEEHEE.....thanks to All Is One....I get to meet someone new, and from what has been exchanged so far.....seems like Fate has a hand in this one!!
(see my 'poor ego' post and there's some antics at the 'If I'm a guy...will I be attacked?' for some entertaining info)
Yet I have no major aspects( I think) with transit Pluto.
The closest is Mercury, 11 deg. Cap....but Merc. is the snowballs ruling planet...Hmm.
It is unclear to me how far off an EXACT degree that 2 points in a chart can be to be considered an aspect. My Asc. and PLUTO are 22 deg. Virgo. Definite conjunction there, but is that considered square to the S.node/Pluto conj. now? OH ick...I'm still stuck on the thought that squares over all are not a pleasant thing.



Squares may not be particularly pleasant but that doesn't make them undesirable - they are some of the more important drivers in our horoscopes - squares help to motivate you to do things and make something of your life - Trines can often leave you enjoying the beach - often a necessary pasttime but if we spent all the time in the deckchair very soon we would not only get bored but run out of money to keep up the lifestyle.

I would tend to keep the aspect orb right down for a transit of Pluto - I know some Astrologers would prefer to express it in terms of time rather than orb - say six months before and three months after. As Pluto takes something like two months to move through one degree when it is moving relatively fast, if you allowed wide orbs the effect would be permanent for several years (allowing for retrograde motion) - as it is there could well be three peaks, as the planet moves through the degree in direct motion, back again when retrograde and then finally moves through a second time whilst direct. In effect rubbing the lesson in.


Yes I accept the point about Rob Hand's book - he wrote it in the late 70's and he himself is a little cautious of his interpretation. However the point I was attempting (badly) to make was that those affected by trines now (the Leo generation for want of a better term) are significantly younger than those of previous generations. The Cancer generation have indeed undegone the Trine but Pluto moved into Cancer in mid 1913 and it was not till late 1983 that it moved into Scorpio - those experiencing the trine would then be over 70 - the Leo generation are some 15 years younger (OK this isn't an even difference throughout) but the effect will be subtly different due to the age difference. just as the second Saturn return is different from the first.

Indeed for some Leo generation people the second Saturn return may be fairly close to their Pluto trine - there's an interesting possibility for investigation!




What you true!!!

Pollux, you always make me laugh...I just love you!! No need to feel foolish...we know your mind is learning all about the how's and why's the thigh bone is connected to the hip bone and it's MUCH more important that you learn that stuff!




It certainly sounds as if you are a catalyst for change and that's usually how a Pluto transit works.



thanks for the warning AG, things that happen now make sense....
