relationship spread


I did a three card reading for position 1 I had Queen of Cups,..position 2 was the Hanged Man....position 3 was the Death card.

I'm a bit confused as I was asking how my relationship with my partner was going.I interpreted it as being a very emotional relationship but being stuck in a rut and change would be definate.

Have I been biased with this reading as it's for myself?

Could I have someone else's views on this please?



perhaps the message is that if nothing changes (hangedman) it could signal an ending (death).

Hangedman can be a limbo card, perhaps one of you is waiting for the other to do something more or invest in the relationship more to make it more serious, the hangedman card often turns up when there are comittment issues (lack of).



I could be wrong, but when I first saw the Queen of Cups I imagine someone kind of either dreamy or self-absorbed, depending on what context you look at it. Maybe there is something that you need to give up in order to be happy, and this doesn't necessarily mean in response to the relationship, it could be an attitude or state of mind.

I think that maybe you should try a different spread. I did one

Take a look, perhaps this would be more specific towards your query.
