Study Group- The Sun through the signs


214red said:
i do have a theory that if you born at night your a night owl in general, and vice versa. I was born just after midnight, and i am a night owl, i love staying up , i am more productive in the evening/night.
I have wondered if this was true and I think I may have heard that somewhere else before. I was born late at night and I am a night owl, some people even call me that lol I do feel more productive at night as well, more energized and feeling up to do things.


For those interested Rob Hand (Planets in Transit) has written a short monograph on the interpretation of day and night charts, using Hellenistic methods called, appropriately, 'Night and Day', published by ARHAT.


Thanks Minderwiz, i do wonder how the time your are born affects you, if it makes you more outgoing if your born during daylight etc


I found this Article on the first house and thought i would add it here:
The First House: Begins with the Rising Sign, the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon when you were born. This is also called the Ascendant or Ascending Sign and is one of the most important points in the horoscope. The Ascendant has an affect on your appearance. In some cases, a person can look more like their Ascendant than their Sun-Sign.

The First House has to do with your "outer personality", the impression you make on people when they first see you. But it goes beyond that. It also shows how you begin anything, your first approach, your first action. For instance, someone with an Aries Ascendant (Aries Rising) will tend to charge right in, while a Taurus Rising person has to take their time and build up momentum. A Leo rising will get someone else to do it for them (probably some poor soul with Virgo Rising).

The placement of planets in the First House is also important. Any planet there, especially if it is in the same signs as the Rising Sign, will give you traits of the Sign that the planet rules. In other words, if you have Mars in the First House, you will tend to be active and aggressive like an Aries Sun-Sign. Saturn will make you cautious and careful at first approach, like a Capricorn Sun-Sign. If there is more than one planet in the First House, the planet that is closest to the cusp (beginning) of the house usually predominates. The only exception is if another planet in the house is stronger by sign. Click here for a complete list of Planets in the First House.



so i the question is, what would you expect to experience/see when you meet an Aries sun and Asc?

What would they look like?
how would they greet you?
how would they react in a group?

any thoughts?