Daylight Saving Time help!



What hour do i choose to create an astral chart when the person was born during a daylight saving period?
Ie., i was born on December 1st, 1987, at 7:22 am ACCORDING to the clock on the wall. However, it was during a daylight saving period. So, when i'm creating my own chart, do i use 7:22 am or 6:22 am?

Thanks in advance!



Hey Miss Yuko

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I always thought Daylight Savings occured during the summer months, not winter.



Oh wait, I just realized you're from Brazil and perhaps are talking about the southern hemisphere... I do apologize for the previous post.


Hum, yes, i'm talking about the southern hemisphere. So December here is summer...


You need to look at the tables you are using to look up the positions.

See what time format they use then convert yours to that, whatever it may be.

Here in Britain all the tables I have ever had put all the times in GMT (Grenwich Mean time)
So any one born in the summer (British Summer Time) needs to be converted.

Also if I was to draw a chart for someone from abroad (for me) then to use my tables (ephemeris) I would also need to convert their local birth time to GMT.

Your ephemeris will tell you what time to use.
Or if you are using a computer program it will also tell you, or more likely have something to click to say where you were born and if DST was in use at the time.
Then it will do the rest for you.

As there are many local times around the world these things have to be made to cope with that.


Thanks Lillie! I'll do as you say - i guess my computer software does most of it for me, yet i must convert the hour myself.

Thanks for everything! :D




Good luck with it.
I find time zones and stuff really awkward.

And DST!

Why do they do that?
Steal an hour off me, keep it for 6 months and then give it back.
Probably used, maybe even someone elses hour.

Do you think they trade them?

You get your DST for the opposite half of the year to me. Perhaps there is just one lot of hours and they get sent back and fourth.
Like right now our hour has been sent over to you, and when you are done with it, it will get sent back. :confused:


Lillie said:
Good luck with it.
I find time zones and stuff really awkward.

And DST!

Why do they do that?
Steal an hour off me, keep it for 6 months and then give it back.
Probably used, maybe even someone elses hour.

Do you think they trade them?

Well...all i know is that here, every year during the end of october/beginning of november, they steal one hour from us. They make us get up earlier, make us feel like we are late until our body gets used to it (and when it eventually gets, they give the "stolen hour" back). I think DST is a conspiration to turn people into slaves during the summer (so they won't enjoy it way too much). So people can rest less and work more (the day is longer, after all).

I think they trade them. I mean, the hour they steal from you is the hour we use here during the summer. Probably they give you back a sweaty, stinking, melting hour, because summer here is awfully hot.

They could at least wash the hour so it'll look new. But they can't be bothered. Aye.

I need a long night. I really do.



Lillie said:
Steal an hour off me, keep it for 6 months and then give it back.
Probably used, maybe even someone elses hour.

Do you think they trade them?

You get your DST for the opposite half of the year to me. Perhaps there is just one lot of hours and they get sent back and fourth.
Like right now our hour has been sent over to you, and when you are done with it, it will get sent back. :confused:

Nup, you are being ripped off, all the missing hours from here have been dumped in the northern hemisphere, thats why we all look so young and beautiful 'down here' and you people 'up there' all look much older than you should.


Oh, I remember the days when I was young and beautiful......


One day they just dumped all these spare hours on me and I wrinkled like a prune and now I'm ancient.

Yes. It's a damn conspiracy to do us out of an hour of summer and make us have it in the winter when it's cold.
