Anyone have the transits for Fri. Nov. 17th Michael Richards' show


Having worked at a comedy club for a short time, I have a real soft spot and respect for what comedians do and the psychology tht tips the cards in the favor of hecklers. I haven't seen the whole performance of Michael Richard's controversial performance in context--like how the heckling started, but it would be interesting to see what, in addition to the Merc. retrograde could've played into such an inflamatory situation.

From what I saw of his interview of David Letterman tonight, though, he seems genuinely shaken, hurt and sincere about the whole event (while even he stressed that it really needed to be seen in context.) I don't know the entire backstory, so I can't really give an opinion other than I have deep respect for the professional level he's always brought to all aspects of his work *and* it's an incredibly stressful job with little to no protection from hatred and ego-outbursts from the patrons for the comedians.



Check YouTube, I'm sure it will be there if you really want to see it.


No I don't have them but I would like to see it for myself ..unedited. I like to make my own decisions and you cannot rely on the news to pass on what they have learned. I have watched things live on tv but at night when the news comes on it is not the same as what I have seen.


are you asking for the planetary transits for that day? you can check out the ephemeris for whatever day if you google for it

what will you read it against though?


Good point, starlover. I guess I'm just looking to see what was in the air for the day, like general aspects.

I saw the TMZ clip, but, agreeing with memries, I'd *love* to see a tape of the whole show un-edited. Not just from a looky-loo perspective, but just to see the event in context, you know?

Thanks again!