seven of swords daily card


Today i drew what is for me the scariest card in this deck.

Graham says"
You are in a vulnerable position. A clown without a heart is offering you a drink and the promise of seeing an end to all of your problems. However, the remedie he offers you is too painful to swallow; danger and dishonesty lurk here. he feeds upon your weakness and will take advantage of you. There are people around you who are full of false intentions

The seven of swords warns us to exercise vigilance, don't be too open."

Every time i see this card it reminds me about that part of the litle red riddinghood ( sp?) story wen she asks her grandmother( the wolf) why do you have such big theeth/ And the wolf/grandmother tells her its to better eat her with.
The clown smiles his awfully big and sharp theeth bare. Its like he is planning to get out of the card and eat me.



Get your jollies

I couldn't figure out why there were so many walls but then I remembered we are in the Air Sword Labyrinth. The Jolly Roger is hanging there signifying pirates. Jolly was originally a name for a Marine, or a sea-soldier, rather than a regular sailor. I learn something every day.

The other strange thing is that the puzzle piece is actually cut out of the table he is standing by. He could be asking you to have a drink of swords, or he could be exclaiming proudly over the number of swords he's collected in his cup. Either way you look at it, his eyes are swords and what he's offering isn't good. I also think he might be a bit green with envy and trying to hurt you because he's actually quite envious. His head is so round, not like a real character at all--no character, get it?


Eek! This guy is scary. There is no way I would want to be open with this "clown" let alone drink a cup of swords. I see this as it should be OBVIOUS to the person concerned that someone is trying to take advantage or being deceitful. Definitely a wake-up call to any possible vulnerabilities ---- look more closely at those around you. I like the way that the clown is trying to look casual (left hand placed casually on the table) as if he has no bad intentions. Ruby7


Seven of Swords

This guy is scary looking. He's like one on those con-artists who make false promises and then run off with your money. He's the so-called friend who takes you to a party and drops a drug into your drink when your back is turned, and you wake up the next morning with no memory of what happened but your panties are on backwards.

I sure don't trust that Cheshire (sp?) Cat grin. He's got the same smile as the yellow blob, but the blob's eyes are kindly, so he doesn't scare me.

That skull and bones flag yells out "Caution! Poison! Beware of clowns with sword eyes and evil grins!" Unfortunately, it isn't always so easy to know when someone has bad intentions.



Graham says he listened to Danny Elfman's music while creating this deck, and this is one instance where I think I can see that influence. Oingo Boingo (Mr. Elfman's onetime band) did a song called "Clowns of Death"; some of the lyrics are:

And when they come upon one who's lost or is alone
Their smiles get even bigger and their noses start to glow
Making snarling sounds to pantomime with furious abandon
And with a scream they pounce to kill and all the while they're laughing


Your sons and daughters, innocent, lay sleeping in their beds
They'll catch them when you're not around and smash their little heads
If you think it just a dream, or that it isn't fair
Just look around outside your door, the clowns are everywhere. has the entire lyrics.

I think one of the advantages of using tarot is that it increases intuition and can help you to, for instance, sense "clowns of death" energy behind a smiling facade.

Little Baron

Not much to add on this one, even though I don't find him particularly scary. He seems more like a joker to me. He reminds me a bit of my housemate, Gus. Funny how just about every character in this deck reminds me of someone I know!

I agree that he is offering us things that are not good for us behind that false smile but I feel more sorry for him than scared of him.

I loved the lyrics to that song Galadrial; adds a new edge to the card.

Best wishes
