Chakra Wisdom Oracle


I recently got this deck and I like this deck as I am more drawn to drawn rather than photographic.


When I was looking for chakra cards it was a toss-up between this one and the Chakra Insight Cards. While I'm normally a lover of drawn images I went with the latter which is a combination of drawn and photographs that have been softened a bit. The link above features a lot of women but the rest of the deck is filled with various nature images, animals, sacred symbols, abstract art and mandalas. The 49 cards are large and glossy and each chakra grouping is bordered by the color associated with it making the chakra easy to identify.

It is a dynamic deck where the Wisdom Oracle felt more dreamy. The guidebook is fairly extensive and contains a b&w image of each card, keywords, an affirmation, the story of the card and several paragraphs of the card's message and how to work with it. All in all I'm very happy with this deck.