Naming a deck?


My Deviant Moon deck is called Fred - it has a personality a bit like Fred Dagg, for all you Kiwis and maybe Aussies who know who Fred Dag was. I also had an old Kingswood that was called 'Stupid Bastard Car', also known as 'why did I buy this stupid bastard car?' I broke its chassis changing a tyre, it was that rusty - you could open the door with a spoon. This was a long time ago, before kids, when you could almost get away with owning an unregistered car in New Zealand, so long as you never drove it into town...

too funny! loved this one, too, thanks for sharing.


I've named three of my decks so far. My Centennial Smith-Waite is named Rosencrantz, my Sharman-Caselli is called Cyzarine, and my Ludy Lescot, Eurydice. A name makes a deck more personal, I find-- even though I don't often say it out loud.

I named my Joie de Vivre "Melody" for a time. That very night, as I placed her back on the shelf, out slipped the Queen of Swords...! I was so startled by her angry glare I nearly dropped the box. It was the only name I'd given without first asking what the deck wanted to be called.


I like this idea. I suppose if I had the Ludy Lescot I could call it my "Bosom Buddy." :D

Haha! <eyes twinkle>
"Lex" - just makes me think of Lex Luthor (Superman) - so that's weird.

Hmmmmmmmmmm. No names have come to me but now that you've mentioned it I shall be having fun "listening" for names...


You see, I'm likely to name mine things like Barbara or Joan. I have a real thing for the name Margaret too. Derek. Frank, maybe. Probably for the best that I don't tend to name my decks, actually.


I usually refer to my decks by the deck name, like...I call the Fantastical Creatures Tarot just Fantastical Creatures or FC, my Wild Unknown just...Wild Unknown, stuff like that. :^P I use them like endearments, like I usually say 'my Fantastical Creatures.' I don't think I'd ever give my decks 'normal' names, but maybe one day one will stick out to me!


I'm loving this thread! I really like how Thoughtful refers to their deck as Friend. And Clockwork Ghost's post! "Stupid Bastard Car"! :joke: :joke: :joke: I had one of those way back when...

I don't think I could ever name my decks "Brad" or "Ted", like the girl in that insurance commercial. :joke: Like Grizabella and HallowedNight, I refer to them by variants of their deck name: the vintage RWS, the Ceccoli, the Samhain Bastard, the regular Bastard ("Regular Old Bastard" just popped into my head and notice what those initials are? Crap. Now that's stuck in my head.)

Glass Owl

I find myself using nicknames or alternate names sometimes. The Joie de Vivre is Joy.