Tarot Spread for Successful Writing Submission?


I posted a reading on what I should do to get an abstract (a summary of the paper I'd write) submission for a historical architecture conference accepted: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=257014. However, I was thinking about initiating personal changes when I was shaping the question, and wondering if I want direct writing advice when I was shuffling the cards. These are two different thoughts. So, as excited as I was to see how similar the cards were to the biography of the mercenary general that a chosen architectural complex commemorates, I was pretty much told to re-do the reading.

Any advice on a tarot spread that I could use? :) I've never created a spread for something as serious as trying to get an abstract accepted. I'm looking for just any advice--I don't want to specify this time because I want to let the cards decide for me what kind of advice it wants to give me to help me succeed in getting accepted. :)


Have you checked out our Tarot Spreads Index? There might be something you could modify to suit your needs? Job-related spreads are in post #3 but there are others worth checking out as well.


Have you checked out our Tarot Spreads Index? There might be something you could modify to suit your needs? Job-related spreads are in post #3 but there are others worth checking out as well.

Thanks, Hemera, for pointing them out. Unfortunately, they're for creative writing, like writing stories. Mine has more to do with non-fiction, a scientific publication on historical architecture. :/ Maybe I should stick to Celtic cross?