Afterlife Communication Spread


This is just a little something that I whipped up. I never made a layout to go with it, but I needed some answers to some questions from those who have passed on. So I thought I would post this spread if anyone seemed interested in it.

1. Are you at peace where you are right now?
2. Looking back at the life that you led, what is your opinion of yourself during your lifetime?
3. What is your honest impression of me at this time?
4. Why have you chosen to communicate with me on this day?
5., 6., 7. What messages would you like for me to know?
8., 9., 10. What issues in my life do these messages concern?
10. If I follow your advice, what will the outcome be?
11., 12., 13. What else would you like for me to know?
14. If you could recommend that I do one thing during this lifetime, what would it be?
15. What is the biggest regret that you made?



That an interesting spread Azarial.. :) Thanks for posting it.


I like the look of this spread, thank you for posting it.
Sophie x


thanks for posting

thanks for posting this spread, I'm going to give it a try right now!

x joanna


Just tried this out tonight with some odd results.

Are there supposed to be two 10s? Or are there two different interpretations for 10?


I like this thank you
I am going to try it..


I've made a few modifications that others might find helpful, I hope you don't mind me posting them. I change the first one and reworded some of the others.

1. What is it like where you are right now?
2. Looking back at the life that you led, what is your opinion of yourself during your lifetime?
3. What is your honest impression of me at this time?
4. Why have you chosen to communicate with me on this day?
5., 6., 7. What messages would you like for me to know?
8., 9., 10. What issues in my life do these messages concern?
11. What is the outcome of this situation?
12., 13., 14. What else would you like for me to know?
15. If you could recommend that I do one thing during this lifetime, what would it be?
16. What is the biggest regret that you have?

Oh, I also gave it this spread pattern, only because it fit on my table at the time.



Do you have a certain person in mind when do this reading or are you open to any of your passed loved ones to come through?


I always have someone in mind. I'm not sure how you would know who it was if you didn't ask for them beforehand.


That's what I was thinking also, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask. LOL