Knights to Kings, an evolution of energy?


Hello all, I have noticed a trend in my readings where all four Knights are gradually being replaced by their respective Kings. Could this be interpreted as a maturation of suit's energy, or perhaps as a evolution of the Knight into King?
For example, the Knight of Wands (as situation) has now completely disappeared from my readings and has been replaced by the King of Wands( as situation). The Knights of Cups and Swords (representing a specific person) are in the process of phasing out in favor of the Kings of Cups and Swords. Even the Knight of Pentacles (still figuring out what he's telling me) is playing peek-a-boo with the King of Pentacles. The Knights and the Kings never appear together in the same spread.

Could they be showing a time of stabilization after a period of turmoil, or should the emphasis be more on the specific Knight->King transformations?


The Knight's element is Fire and the Kings are Air. At least that's how one school of thought looks at it. Therefore there seems to be a movement from active movement to more thought and communication, dialogue and planning. There is a more masterful quality to the Kings that brings a maturity, they understand the fuller picture and they won't be apt to pop off passionately so much. So yeah, there seems to be more thought and decision making going on behind the activity now rather than passion and drive.


You know, I've always seen the Knights as Air and the Kings as fire so that may show going from thought/ideas into action. This would be a welcome change given that there have been few venues for action up to now. Some strange things have been occurring around here and I think that the cards are picking up on that. Such as Mr. Cups and Swords is back in town after being away for months; I saw him while I was out driving but the traffic was too heavy to catch his attention. I believe I know what the King of wands was trying to tell me, but I am going to wait to see if he shows up again. It was a very tragic event that occurred that doesn't seem to involve me personally (as of yet, I don't know the name of the departed yet :( )


Absolutely -- depending on your elemental associations, it can indicate a time of moving from thought to action. With that association, the Kings actions would be more measured, given they are supposed to be the masters of the suit energies, mini-Emperors, that aren't as liable to fly off tilting at windmills like the Knights. The Knights dream big, and while that's absolutely necessary, the Kings know what to do to make those flights of fancy happen.

I wonder, though, how the Queens were skipped over? ;)


Yeah, it is strange that the Queens are absent, although on rare occasions, the Queen of Cups graces me with her presence.

Pages are the messages we send, Knights are the responses we receive, Queens are the interpretation of the message, and the Kings are the actions we take regarding the news.
This is just something that came to mind, just rambling :)