Digestive Problems


If you're anywhere that Amazon.com delivers, my favorite brand can be found there--it has the rather silly name of Heather's Tummy Tamers, and is a combo of peppermint, ginger, and fennel. For plain peppermint oil, I use another one called Pepogest (which I also get through Amazon, but some health food stores carry it too; it's a bit more common than the Heather's).

I've seen similar products under other brand names in the UK and elsewhere, so it shouldn't be too hard to find no matter where you live. Meanwhile, keep drinking that tea, it does help!

Do post back if you do find any crystals that were of use; I'm always willing to try another one. :)

Thanks for the tip Jolie! I will indeed let you know if I find a crystal that works :)


What keeps coming to me is watch for stones resembling the digestive system: stomach, intestines, mouth and esophagus. Stones I have that resemble organs tend to be common rocks, but minerals and crystals can be shaped that way as well. Hold the stone allowing energetic exchange. Ask for assistance and watch for clues. You may be able to soothe the pain, and in time you may be able to balance and heal.

Briar Rose

I was just reading about calcite on geology.com
On the bottom of the page is a picture of antacid pills that are made from calcite.
I would say that knowing this, calcite is a very good crystal to work with for digestive issues. I believe that working with it can entrain one's body to feel better.

Look it up and then tell me what you think.