saturn vs jupiter?

isthmus nekoi

Balder> Apologies for my late reply - I've been away!!

First, I must thank you for your post and its further illuminations into my 'dilemna' :) It does make *a lot* of sense to me.

I'm not really sure how this conjunction plays out in my chart, but I think it has been a very major influence (I have always been close to matters of the 8th house - perhaps adding to this is my sun/mercury conj in the 12th house?). I think it's a tool/lesson/challenge all at once if that's possible. The planets' energies draw me into the uncon, but hold me back from disaster so in that way they are a tool, but also a challenge b/c this tool only works if balanced (Libra). They're a lesson b/c I see this journey in and out of the uncon as bascially the reason I'm alive; it permeates everything I do. I never really consciously chose to do this - I just followed my gut and here I am.

Interesting that you should mention 12th house and isolation. I haven't read much on houses, but its meaning seems to be more vague than the others. I've done a lot of uncon work alone on the plane of reality (but have always had serious help from uncon figures). In many ways, the people in waking life who have tried to help me have never aided me very much, esp when I was younger. I appreciated their good intentions, but they never understood what they were dealing w/... sometimes instead of helping, they'd get in my way which was very annoying. So going at it alone and the lonliness that comes w/it is just how things have turned out so far.

>>I guess you like to read psychology and be at this forum

Yeah!!! No one is afraid of me around here!!! :)

Mm, yes the transformations part makes a lot of sense. I'm tapping into energies that run very deep so it's a great challenge/lesson right now for me - there's a tension b/w my desire to act on my instincts, to analyze *after* (Jupiter!) and my fear of previous encounters w/the uncon that went dangerously awry (Saturn's lovely lessons).

As for the development thing, I'm 21 so I'm still awaiting my Saturn return. I intuite that I'll have a lot to learn. Should be very interesting... I'm very interested in what you mean by karmic lessons - I'm not very well read in this subject! If it's not too much trouble could you post an example? My general impression is that my karmic development is pretty weak so perhaps that's why Saturn is such a major influence in my chart.

Thanks again & dream well...