Energy Oracle Cards Sandra Anne Taylor - Split from new cards


Has anyone seen the Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor? I preordered them from Amazon and should have them in a day or two, but can't find any preview photos anywhere on the web :-( Is this a Hay House thing? I guess I will know when they arrive if I like them. The cover of the box looks gorgeous, hope all the cards are in that artistic style/vein.


I've pre ordered this deck as well but I am not due to get it until December


I am in the USA and Amazon shipped it to me and says it will be here on Wednesday.


Pictures of New Energy Oracle Cards

I have not received my deck yet -- due to come today in the mail, but I did find these pictures of the cards today online. They are very similar to the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid. I love the Enchanted Map Oracle so I think I will like this new deck very much! Here's the link:


Got My Energy Oracle Cards

I just got my deck. The deck style is very similar to the Enchanted Map Oracle Cards. I really, really like this deck, and I have done some small readings with it already and it is very accurate. It has some tarot-like cards in the deck. One called Happy Family is very much like the 10 of cups, and there are several others that have very similar messages to that of some of the cards in a tarot deck. It is quite a unique deck in the cards that the author has in it -- there is a mix of chakra cards that are assigned to different archangels as well as men and women cards that could be likened to court cards in the tarot. I do recommend this deck, esp. if you like the artwork of the Enchanted Map ---- one thing that is missing and is quite disappointing is the deck does not have gilded edges like the Enchanted Map and many of Doreen Virtue's decks. I may let Hay House know this deck should be gilded :-( One other thing, is the backs are very nice and they are reversible. The author also does give reverse and upright meanings in the companion book, which is quite a thick, little book. All and all, a great deck - 4 out of 5 stars. Would give 5 out of 5 if the edges were gilded.


cpriestess, thanks so much for the image link and the review of the Energy Oracle Cards...I just accidentally stumbled upon them at and was very intrigued, and also disappointed that I couldn't find any of the deck images. Your posts are much appreciated!

How have you been getting along with this oracle? I haven't really been drawn to any until now. hmmm...guess it will be going on my wishlist. :)


Hi, I like the deck very much and will use it often. The same artist that did Colette Baron-Reid's other two oracle decks, Enchanted Map and Wisdom from the Hidden Realms (both which I have and love!!) , is the artist of this deck. Some people complain that it has green boxes at the bottom of the card that is where the oracle message is written in. I do not mind the green color too much, but a better color could have been chosen perhaps. It is not a deal breaker for me though. I love the artwork very much, which definitely compensates for the green text box. The deck has been very accurate for my readings. The only other thing that disappoints, but is minor, is they did not gild the edges of the deck, but maybe the next printing they will gild the edges and pick a different text border for the cards if enough people tell Hay House to make changes. All in all, I like the deck.