Emblematic Thoth Tarot of the Ancient Gods


They are lovely.

The Three of Cups was a nice choice!

It is interesting to see ol' gloomy Saturn donning pinks and baby blues for a change. :D



Thank you Debra and Ayumi!!!
Here is Cartari's Saturn, if you are curious to see the original :)

After our discussion about Geomancy, I decided to try a different approach to Court Cards / Geomantic Figures attribution. It's a simpler approach :)
I found that in De Occulta Philosophia Agrippa gives elemental attributions to the Geomantic Figures. His attributions can be seen here.

There are 4 figures attributed to water, 4 to earth, 5 to fire and 3 to air.
I decided to change one attribution (I think it will be Cauda Draconis), in order to have 4 figures also for fire and air.
The Element will define the suit (according to Crowley's elemental interpretation of the suits). I will decide in an arbitrary way which court card of that suit to assign to a particular figure. For instance, Acquisitio is attributed to Air, and hence to Swords. I decided to make it the King of Swords.

I am not sure I am completely satisfied with this solution. But it seems simpler, it follows Agrippa in 15 of 16 cases, and it leaves me the freedom to make choices so that Puella can be a Princess/Queen and Puer a Prince/King ;)




I hope that this project is still moving forward. The moment you find a way to publish them, I'm in line...



I am in line too! The deck is beautiful!!!


Yep, me too... third in line. Your deck is wonderful.


Thank you all for your appreciation :)

In the last two months I have not worked on the deck, but your messages give me new energy for this work. I hope to have more cards in a few days.


le pendu

They're breathtakingly beautiful!



I'm so glad to hear that... I love the quiet intelligence in these cards. Haunting and resonant. Very much anticipating the new arrivals. :)



Two new cards are done.

* 4 Batons- Perfectio - Perfection from Cesare Ripa

* XVI The Tower - Domus Dei - Device of Monsignor di Foys - From Paulo Giovio "Sentenziose Imprese"

This page displays many of the emblems from Giovio's book. The one I used is number 89.

Thanks again to everybody for you interest and appreciation :)



Oh, they are nice! :) Glad to see you found the energy to continue this project. I really like all the cards so far.