Dream Interpretation Spread (Themes and Symbols)


Hi All :)
So, I was inspired the other night when a video popped up in my Youtube recommended section:


I think using the Tarot to interpret dreams is a really awesome idea and since I'm newer to Tarot, I thought it would be a really great exercise. Additionally, I've recently been having a reoccurring dream and I was really curious what the message might be. I did a Google search and came across a few spreads, but none of them seemed like a good fit for my particular needs - my dream had a lot of symbolism that I thought deserved a little extra attention. This spread came close (http://tarotelements.com/2011/09/15/dream-interpretation-spread/), but I thought I would modify it a bit and this is what I came up with:


Card 1: Overall theme of the dream
Card 2: Event (or events) in waking life that the dream is addressing
Card 3: Overall message of the dream
Card 4: What is blocking this message in waking life
Card 5-?: Interpretations of specific symbols (can pull for multiple symbols if desired)

I felt my reading results were very insightful and extremely relevant. It gave me a new perspective on the situation I believe the dream relates to. I thought I'd share with you all and see if any of you find this useful. I'd be super interested to see results from those who give it a go :D!!! I'd be willing to start a thread in the Reading section if anyone is interested

Let me know if this works for you :love:


Looks good :thumbsup:
There are a few more dream interpretation spreads in our index here in post #4.


Thanks Hemera!

Oh cool :cool: I'll have to check that out. Appreciate it!


Hi All :)
So, I was inspired the other night when a video popped up in my Youtube recommended section:


I think using the Tarot to interpret dreams is a really awesome idea and since I'm newer to Tarot, I thought it would be a really great exercise. Additionally, I've recently been having a reoccurring dream and I was really curious what the message might be. I did a Google search and came across a few spreads, but none of them seemed like a good fit for my particular needs - my dream had a lot of symbolism that I thought deserved a little extra attention. This spread came close (http://tarotelements.com/2011/09/15/dream-interpretation-spread/), but I thought I would modify it a bit and this is what I came up with:


Card 1: Overall theme of the dream
Card 2: Event (or events) in waking life that the dream is addressing
Card 3: Overall message of the dream
Card 4: What is blocking this message in waking life
Card 5-?: Interpretations of specific symbols (can pull for multiple symbols if desired)

I felt my reading results were very insightful and extremely relevant. It gave me a new perspective on the situation I believe the dream relates to. I thought I'd share with you all and see if any of you find this useful. I'd be super interested to see results from those who give it a go :D!!! I'd be willing to start a thread in the Reading section if anyone is interested

Let me know if this works for you :love:
Thank you so much for this spread! Just did it and it was ver insightful, I discovered something really important and I understood what my subconscious was trying to convey to me. It was so clear that I can now say I am learning his language. I don't remember if I ever was so close t having a real access to my subconscious. So I thank you again for this spread!!!