15 Card Protection Spread


Hi, I'm sort of new around here, but I love making and modifying spreads, so I figured that I should post one I made in thanks for all the inspiration this board has given me.
This is a spread that I use often when needing large spreads or protective spreads, and I'm wondering if it will help anyone else. It's 15 cards and I tend to ramble a bit, but it's a lot simpler to read than I make it sound.
First, separate the Major Arcana out of your deck. Shuffle the Majors and then lay them out as a triangle starting three wide at the top, then another laid down one card length below the lowest, like this (it should be noted that I always face the spread so that the arrow points to the querent, so the arrow will face away from you if your client sits opposite of you):
Then shuffle the remaining Majors back into your deck, shuffle again, and then lay them out surrounding the original triangle like this (A-H are the new cards):

Now that all of the cards are laid out, time to read! Cards 1-6 are the forces in life that can hold the querent down. You'll basically be looking at the darker sides of all the card's traits. Be sure to pay attention to what cards in the inner triangle come next to each other, as they often seem to be traits that feed off one another. I usually say that card 2 is the strongest and weakest because it feeds off of the energies of 1,3,4, and 5, but needs all that energy to hold itself together.
So, how do we break off the bad energy? By using the protective forces of A-H and 7. 7 is what I call the "guiding light," or the ideal that you should keep most in mind when reading. A-H are the ideals and actions that keep the bad energies away from the querent, and are read in triangles; A and C help protect against 1, C and E protect against 4, etc. For 6 I use intuition for determining whether to read E and G, F and H, or all four against 6. When the negative energies of the outer cards are removed, 2 will have nothing to feed off of.
So that's it for my first spread up on here. One reading tip I have is that after I have laid the cards down, I just stare at the centre and zone out for a minute or so, letting my eyes travel wherever before reading. 15 cards can seem daunting, but the triangular patterns seem to really catch the eye, and letting my eyes just roam around the patterns helps me better understand the spread when I start reading.


This is great! I will try it and share my reading with you and then you could give me feedback, how does it sound?


This is great! I will try it and share my reading with you and then you could give me feedback, how does it sound?

Absolutely fantastic is how it sounds.


KMkal, I just did the spread. What a wonderful spread! Thank you so much! It was very insightful very clear advise as to what is draining my energy at present, and what to do to neutralize those conflictual issues. I will not explain you in details because I wrote 10 pages in my journal! But just one example for you to see how powerful it was:
I am presently on a sick leave from work, struggling with depression. My doctor tells me to go see a psychologist, but I am not really in favor of that because of past negative experiences. I am trying to heal myself with spiritual books and doing forgiveness rituals, prayers etc.
Ok. So the first 3 cards were hierophant-chariot-high priestess.
Hilarious no? I am trying to ride my chariot (my life) outside of depression, but one horse looks to traditional well-established methods represented by the Hierophant (psychology) and the other horse looks at inner work, self healing represented by the high priestess. Therefore I cannot advance, my chariot is going nowhere, I am stuck.
Ha! Don't you like it?
Now another funny thing. The card protecting me from the Hierophant is the 4 of pentacles. I laughed when I saw this card because it is exactly to the point: I need to stabilize my finances, and going to a psychologist is costly, so deleting this option will protect me financially. Haha! I like that!
Do you want another Aha moment? You know what card will protect me from the high priestess? Queen of pentacle, yes sir! Stay down to earth, leave your spirit and soul, and take care of the down to earth: eat well, exercice, do simple mundane activities.
Don't you think it is great?
And the 7th card, the light guiding me : hermit. Rest rest rest. No going back to work now.

Thank you again.
A word of advise for others: use small cards because the spread is large! I was happy to use my only mini deck that I never use (because I find it too small).


This looks really interesting, I'll have to try it when I have time.

I'm not sure if I'm comfortable separating out the majors, it probably makes it easier to read but I always feel like I should let whatever card fall where it needs to.

I'll probably try it both ways and compare.


This looks really interesting, I'll have to try it when I have time.

I'm not sure if I'm comfortable separating out the majors, it probably makes it easier to read but I always feel like I should let whatever card fall where it needs to.

I'll probably try it both ways and compare.
But after the 7 first cards, you put back the rest in the deck and you use the whole deck for the rest of the spread.


I understand, I just feel weird about removing the possibility for certain cards to fall in certain positions.

I might just be crazy lol.



Please note that readings should be posted to our Your Readings area. Only the poster of the spread can post an example reading in the first post.
Please see our Tarot Spread Posting Rules for more.


And having said that... :) This spread looks really interesting. Really well thought out. Also the example reading is shedding more light to it and looks inspiring so I'm thinking of letting it stay.
I'm thinking (like mikema63 above) that I might try this with the whole deck. Maybe try this both ways and see what comes up?



Thank you to the people that tried it and enjoyed it! I would have thanked you all earlier for trying, but somebody T-boned my car somewhat recently and messed up my leg, and I haven't been able to sit at my computer desk until now. But it's nice to come back and see it worked for people.