New Moon in Virgo


The Virgo New Moon occurs at 17:27 GMT on 27th August. The chart presents something of a See-Saw between Pisces and Virgo. In Virgo the New Moon is in conjunction with Venus, and Jupiter – four planets in a six and a half degree radius. Mercury is also in Virgo but about 2 minutes from its Station Retrograde (which occurs at 13:42) GMT the following day.

Over in Pisces, we have Mars and Uranus both Retrograde and in conjunction. Mars reaches its perigee some seven hours before the New Moon, and its closest position to Earth in 60,000 years. Next door in Aquarius is Neptune, also Retrograde. As Pluto in Sagittarius is also Retrograde, on the day after the New Moon we will have five retrograde planets – this will not last a full day though, as Pluto stations Direct on 29th at 3:35 a.m. GMT.

Mercury on its Station Retrograde rules directly or indirectly all the planets. So we have a New Moon that is ruled by Mercury Retrograde and dominated by Mercury Retrograde. This certainly makes for an interesting month and despite the large Virgo emphasis, it is not really the best time to get the details right and put the plan into operation. With planets either Retrograde or Combust (Venus and Jupiter) or in the sign of their Detriment (Saturn) there is not much in the way of positive energy for the New Moon to deliver any new schemes, plans, or projects.

Given the heavy emphasis on Earth and to a much lesser extent Water (Fire and Air being very weak) – its better to rely on practical skills and intuition – the result may be a bit ‘muddy’ but at least we can muddle through. Indeed if we use the Virgo energy of sorting and sifting through what we have accumulated and throwing out what is no longer useful and integrating the lessons we have learned then we can prepare ourselves for action when Mercury turns Direct again, after the Full Moon.


there is not much in the way of positive energy for the New Moon to deliver any new schemes, plans, or projects.

I see this New Moon from a different perspective, this New Moon in Virgo is an opportunity sow seeds for what we want to create in our lives. Yes, will be Mercury Rx, however this encourages reflection, renewal, revision...all of the "re-" words ...not always a good thing to go charging forward in life without pausing to reflect on our direction. The energy around this New Moon is about making this kind of evaluation about goals and purpose.

The axis of Virgo/ Pisces represents service and compassion, respectively. Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and the Sun in Virgo underscore a time where there is an emphasis our manifesting our highest ideals. Also a good time for cleaning house, figuratively and literally! Jupiter opposing Uranus could bring some lightning flashes of insight.

I am jubilant over this New Moon, because I have Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto in the 1st House. I look forward to Jupiter's visit to my first house, bringing sense of expansiveness and optimism.

isthmus nekoi

Oh my. That opposition sounds positively explosive. In a retrogradish, Virgo-Piscean way lol.


oceanpoetry said:

I see this New Moon from a different perspective, this New Moon in Virgo is an opportunity sow seeds for what we want to create in our lives. Yes, will be Mercury Rx, however this encourages reflection, renewal, revision...all of the "re-" words ...not always a good thing to go charging forward in life without pausing to reflect on our direction. The energy around this New Moon is about making this kind of evaluation about goals and purpose.

I can't see where we disagree here. I agree with your sentiment and characterisation of the situation in terms of sign and the Pisces/Virgo axis and also the 're-' words - indeed I think that examining the situation as it is and doing the evaluation and house keeping is the best thing for this New Moon because the energy is simply not there for 'charging forward' or indeed planning any major leap forward this time round.

You are quite right to point out that we regularly need such stock-taking periods and the opportunity is there for the inward look and if done well, this will get rid of a lot of clutter that will get in the way later on - which is what I was trying to say in the last sentence or so of my post.


Minderwiz, I guess it just has to do with emphasis :) I see that time of reassessment as essential for new plans. Your phrase that there's not a lot of "positive energy" for new plans, I think, however there is positive energy for sowing the necessary seeds.



LOL - yes, I'm perhaps using 'postive' in a get up and go - an active context and you're using it in a 'reflective, time to re-evaluate, get things sorted out for when the time comes' context. And of course we're both right - And I think we would both end up saying that time spent getting sorted out will have positive benefits in the future - and of course is a nescessary pre-requisite for success in the future.