Pleasant Surprise of tarot in Ellan Dugan's Practical Protection/Upcoming Tarot


I enjoy finding tarot themes or readings or ideas in unexpected places. The start in this book had a small description of the Magician and High Priestess.

I looked to see if there was a sample chapter available on Llewellyn's website, but only found the book description:

She also gives personal examples of friends or people she knew who experienced improvements with suggested excamples. Another tarot sample that I found rather nice was a five card reading that she suggests for readers to divine and analyze/pinpoint what their intuition or suspicion is about their problem.

It seems she did divination for a friend's group who had rather unfortunate negative energy and problematic newcomers that disturbed an otherwise peaceable group. The divination was only one step in defining the problem--the practical advice including, much physical cleaning, healthful solution searches, and consulting the people concerned to help raise energy to clean their spaces/protect their areas an

Maybe these are too few examples of tarot for those interested in "Tarot and Magic" topics, but the information in the Practical Protection book made me more interested in Llewellyn's new "Witches Tarot" with her as the author. I am curious how the new title will look and read, so tried to look for some samples:

Hope this bit of information is helpful/interesting for the upcoming deck/book.



I enjoy finding tarot themes or readings or ideas in unexpected places. The start in this book had a small description of the Magician and High Priestess.

I looked to see if there was a sample chapter available on Llewellyn's website, but only found the book description:


amazon has a good sized sample of the book to look at here:

I read and enjoyed several of Ellen Dugan's other books, although I haven't read this one. She does have Tarot spells and correspondences in her "Book of Witchery", I think.

What I have seen of the upcoming deck looks pretty good so far; I like the artwork and I like her writing style. So this one goes on my wishlist. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
