Knight of Wands with Lovers


sacredashes said:
The two card together may just be an advice to be aware of the tendency in making a rash decision.

Faced with an important choice because The Lovers is a major card, the Knight may just be a reminder that the querent could be rushing into something without fully considering the consequences.
Nice point. I like your answer :D


;) Thank you, Thirteen.


starrystarrynight said:
[Disclaimer: I am not trying to take sides or discredit anyone or even hijack this thread, just that what I'm about to say has come to mind before about this forum topic, and it has bothered me more than once.]

Maybe its not that great an idea to try to discuss in this forum topic one card or a combination of cards that are being pulled as a part of a bigger spread...because I think that tempts us to latch onto a "meaning" suggested that may or not fit the spread (but perhaps fits what we might like it to mean in the spread.)

Always, the other cards will color any one card's particular meaning in a spread.

This discussion is why I am becoming more convinced that reversals or Elemental Dignities or the like are important for newer readers to learn, too.

Upright, those two cards are just as Thirteen said...reverse one, the other or both, and you are looking at something entirely different--and even more difference is likely when you factor in the other remaining cards of the spread. And you can't really tell their aspects if we just pull them out of a spread and hope to get a meaning for them. In fact, it probably does more disservice to the seeker than help. You know?

To discuss various meanings of cards or card combinations is one thing and probably the reason this topic is here. But if we are trying to see how a card fits or colors a reading when pulled from a spread, I don't think it works that well here.

Sorry if this post doesn't belong here, but I think it is pertinent to the way this discussion has proceeded, and I wonder if others have thought about those things, as well.

I have thought about it and disagree with you, SSN when you say that you don't think that individual cards/combos can be discussed here. If the discussion was to interpret the spread for the person asking - I would agree. However, my take on these discussions is to assist in the filling of the "holes" or questionable spots that anyone may have when interpreting a reading and want an alternate opinion of. It is then up to the person who asked to fit what is said here into the interpretation that they alone are creating from the spread they are working with (or be inspired themselves and not use any of what is said).

In many ways, I think it is a greater service to provide input into these discussions because it gives unbiased information (sometimes refreshingly interesting takes on cards) to the person asking and keeps the ultimate decision of what the meaning of a card or combo of cards in a reading should be firmly within their control... where it should always be.

:love: valeria


valeria said:
I have thought about it and disagree with you, SSN when you say that you don't think that individual cards/combos can be discussed here. If the discussion was to interpret the spread for the person asking - I would agree. However, my take on these discussions is to assist in the filling of the "holes" or questionable spots that anyone may have when interpreting a reading and want an alternate opinion of. It is then up to the person who asked to fit what is said here into the interpretation that they alone are creating from the spread they are working with (or be inspired themselves and not use any of what is said).
I see your point here, and do agree that it could help the reader make the best choice as to what "meaning" might fit the particular reading, except that it, then, takes the intuitive part away that I feel needs the whole of the rest of the spread and cards to discern...sort of like taking a sentence or phrase out of context.

I don't know, though. I guess I can see it from both sides, because this is a learning, yes, I do see that you are right about that when I look at it from that angle.

Thanks for pointing that out and making me rethink it! Very good point! :)