The Rosetta Tarot


I'd watermark them and still not show all the cards. Just me. I've seen bootlegs from low res scans...they don't care and some people will buy them anyway.

books. I buy the kit when it's available rather than just a deck.
That said I 'read' the books when they reflect the artists path through the deck. I don't read them when it is just one more (one-sided) book about history or how to read cards. There are plenty of excellent books on the subject without trying to reinvent the wheel. If you can make your book personal to your work, go for it.

Babalon Jones

rosetta tarot book


Yes that is my idea for the book exactly, and the words I've used to describe it to others (ie no history, not reinventing the wheel etc, but rather describing the images and symbolism unique to this deck)

So we are on the same page anyway - now I just have to finish writing it!

Thanks for your feedback!

Babalon Jones


ps I'm on the fence about the watermarks.

They just look so awful usually...

Maybe I just won't post the entire deck. I don't want to be paranoid, but rather would err on the side of having an open spirit. But after all that work I don't want to be ripped off. :-( What to do!

How about invisible digital watermarks - would that deter such nefariousness?

For about $50-100 a year I could get trackable digital watermarking service invisibly embedded.


Agree with AJ - watermark them and still not show all the cards.

Lovely work !

Babalon Jones

new cards update

I managed to get the write ups and files done for six more cards, so there are new cards to see on the website:

The Priestess
The Universe
Three of Wands
Four of Cups
Ten of Swords
Prince of Disks

Seems like everything takes longer than I think it will when I start! Just getting these written up and posted has taken hours.

But I'll keep adding them as I can. Thank you for looking!

Babalon Jones


Also, for those of you who thoughtfully commented that watermarking would be a good idea, I am looking into it before all the cards are posted. Hopefully I can make one that is not too distracting, as in general the look of watermarks annoys me. Thank you for the suggestion and for looking out for me!

Babalon Jones


In preparation for printing and offering the first edition of this deck, I'm curious about what people feel about packaging. I'm thinking about offering both a well designed interesting handmade box and possibly also cool custom designed bag with an image from the deck embroidered on it, including both box and bag with the set. If only one could be offered, which would you prefer? Is it even important, or would you just rather have the deck itself, however it is wrapped?

Babalon Jones

the hermit is walking the labyrinth

The Hermit is posted to

I hope you like him! (He seemed to want to be posted by himself)

Babalon Jones

any problems with the website pls let me know

Has anyone had any problems accessing my website?

I ask because someone on here just let me know that their pc gave them some sort of warning about it. I called my hosting provider and they scanned it and told me all was well. I am a novice at this, but it is a pretty simple site with nothing out of the ordinary on it - unless a bare-breasted Princess of Swords painting counts!

if there is a problem with my site I'd like to know (detailed information would be helpful if you get an error)


I can access it fine, no warnings, and the images remain fantastic!