My minor arkana-links work better now



...well. I painted a new card and want to represent it in this thread.

The first of my minor arkana is the PRINCE OF WANDS

This man is naturaly nearly pure fire. Thats the reason, why I used a lot of Red in this card. The volcano in the background stands for the breakout of his fire-energy but also for sexuality and passion. The young man looks very active and impatient. He concentrates on his aims, and so he does´nt see the vase, that he unfortunately touches with his knee or his wand, and so it breaks. He comes from the right, the male side. I´ve decided to name a knight as prince and a page as a princess. So we have a male and a female part on the ripe, queen and king, and also on the unripe, princess an prince, side.

All cards:


Two cups

Later I wanna present a second version of the Prince of wands.

But first here I finished the TWO CUPS:

I think the symbolics are easy to understand. As the main colour for the cups I chose purple. You have the cups there with two complementary colours. The two faces you may see. The two fishes, the heart and the water stand for feelings and love. Well that´s clear, I think. Over the cups I painted the symbolized angel with the eye and some wings, that helps and is a companion in that situation, however.

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Three coins

Well, I got a new one, still wet,*g, the THREE COINS

The three coins stand for passing an examination and starting on a new level. There are material and spiritual examiations. You see symbols for craft trade, arts, sience and realization, and for the social component. The two handshaking hands show this, also they show the "welcome" to the higher level and the congratulations therefor.

All cards:


I think all of your cards are beautiful. They're breathtaking, so powerful and vibrant! I'm a big fan of bright colours too, so your deck is very attractive to me :)


Oh I love those words like "breathtaking" and "vibrant" and "awsome", Sarah. You´re very kind. I´ll use some pink in the wands for you,*g. :love:


Hehe, no worries, I really do love your cards! I've been following your progress, just haven't had the guts to pipe up and say how much I love them :)

LOL, how did you guess I like pink? :D :D

Hope this is a deck I can own some day! How do you plan your cards? Are you a self taught artist? I'm always very jealous of people who have such obviously skilled but very unique style! It may not be much, but you have my heartfelt admiration!


By the way SarahLikesPink,

I also really like YOUR paintings. They are really beautiful. Very positive. I hope, you go on with that. Maybe I can tell you something about your minors, how to do.
Well, you should think about symbolics of numbers, colours and elements. I do a seperation with colours. Something like 10 cups, I put behind each others to have enough space left for the other elements. Maybe you can give these things a job in your painting, standing in a shelf, ore such a thing. But find your own way. You will !

:love: Stephan


Ace of swords

...I finished the ACE OF SWORDS, if you like to have a look.

You can see the purple water below, what shows the feelings, where the sword comes out to get some clearness. Also the light in a form of a star stands for that. Just one of the little butterflies is able to take place on the top of the sword, so there a decision is necessary. The two butterflies on the right and on the left got some clouds beside. Thats all, I think.

All cards:

:love: Stephan