the urnash tarot


The webpage looks great! But now I have to search for those court sketches... I love how you incorporated the Tree of Life into the layout and how with the the rest of the cards it makes an Ankh/Venus symbol.

Oh, and the camera is following the fox-mask-waitress on the 4 of Cups.


Very good!! Can't wait to get a set of these in my hands.


So, I put a post on your journal with an idea of the 99 or Swords as a person lying comfortably on a "Bed of Swords" and I was struck with a few other random ideas, none as particularly compelling as the bed, but I thought I'd share... maybe they'll spur some ideas...

A processional arch-vault of drawn swords, such as at a wedding or fancy ball...

A jar of cocktail swords...

A Roman Legion...

a Cosmic Pin-cushion...

Pinhead the Cenobyte...

A heavily 'armed' Hindu-type deity...

nukes launching in WWIII...

Some crazily complex automated medical device operating on somebody (eh...probably better as an alternate 6 of swords...)

Cross-cut shredder...

(someone metioned a museum-type thing...)

And I'm reminded of the necklace of 999 fingers that Angulimala had when he met the Buddha....

Egypt Urnash

2 of Wands

Thanks, Voron - I'll put those in the pile and see what comes up once I start trying to figure out the last 99.

Egypt Urnash

6 of Wands

And I'm done with the small cards!

(not including the 99s and the 2-4 cards I want to redo.)


wow. i've thoroughly enjoyed this thread! your art is...hmm. your art is arresting. i've loved watching the deck unfold. best of luck finding a publisher. i'd certainly love to get my grubby little hands on a copy! :cool3: