My RWS hate/hate relationship


I'm under the impression that RWS was not so a success in Waite's or Pixie's lifetime. In 1919 a man wrote a letter to the Editor of The Occult Review, saying

"Sir- It has occurred to me that it might be either intersting or useful to recall your reader's attention to the Tarot Cards, which are not as well known as I would like , even among Theosophical students, while in some cases, in which poeple are interested in occult matters, I have found the said cards unknown". (Feb. issue).

This gentleman spoke of RWS as he later reffered to Mr Waite's interpretation. Anyway it took 10 years for William Rider & Son to reprint PKT. Not a hot cake :D


Yeah but it doesn't matter if you're an unknown fish, if you're the only one in the pond. Any interested parties have gotta come and see you ..

And I suppose the few who were interested bought them as a curiosity and played parlor games with friends, who bought them and took them home and played parlor games ......