Decks You Wish You Hadn't Bought?


Victoria Regina. I suppose I'm guilty of listening to all of the raving about this deck when it came out, just bored me. Also, I get the reason for their inclusion, but I didn't care for the guns. Definitely a collector deck, but still. I hardly ever even look at it.

Barefoot Fool

I just read this entire thread. It was completely exhausting. It's great!

I wish I hadn't bought the Russian Tarot of St. Petersburgh because, at the time, I was vacillating between that one & the Stick Figure Tarot & someone else said, "Buy the Russian Tarot," & I don't really like it as much as I want to, which is how I feel about USG decks in general. The Stick Figure was only 8 bucks at the time and I still think it's funny so I sure wish I'd gotten it. If I had, I'd still have the chance to get the Russian if I still wanted it. It isn't the other way around. "The deck I wish I'd bought instead..."


I seriously regret having bought the Simply Deep tarot. Complete waste of my money.

It's not just that the art is . . . not good (and yeah, "not good" is the kindest thing I can think of to describe it). It's also that it seems uninspired and very much not "deep" in the least. And some cards have a distinctly anti-female vibe to my eye.

It's unpleasant just to look at it; I cannot imagine reading with it.

But . . . I'm a collector. Hence I bought it in the first place despite some misgivings. And thus I haven't immediately put it in the charity bin.


Silicon Dawn... I was really intrigued by the concept but first decided it wasn't for me. After some time, browsing Egypt's webiste on many occasions & reading raving reviews here, I bought it but it just doesn't speak to me (at the best). I feel so old and traditional but some images just shock me, not the nudity but the latent sexuality in many cards. I was never a Thoth girl and I think last time I felt so disturbed by a deck was with Aleister's baby.

This. Me too :)

Though not about the Thoth!


Hands down, my least favorite decks that I've unfortunately purchased are the Initiatory Tarot of the Golden Dawn, which looked more like a bad comic book than a tarot deck, and the Revelations Tarot with the reversals depicted in, again, an overtly cartoonish manner. *Gag*

I can't handle this deck either (Init. Tarot of the Golden Dawn). Keep trying to trade it / sell it on the Trade threads but no-one ever seems interested ...


TdM [Grimaud, green box with "lovers", bilingual]. A rather long time ago.
Couldn't get even a hint of connection or whatsoever..
It was my second deck and i wanted it so much, but it still leaves me cold.
Evidently, it's time to get rid of [but there is a little problem with].


Pagan Cats.. why would I buy this?
I mean, really..

I think I was just going through deck withdrawal since I hadn't gotten anything new in awhile, and I was waiting for something in the mail that wasn't showing up, and there it was in the display case in the shop... and it was cute. And a couple cards are clever. And, well, you know, -cats- and all... but I'm not really a huge cat person.
I have pet cats, and of course I love them, but generally I don't really like cat decks. I have Baroque Bohemian kitties, but I like it for their -outfits-, I swear.



Also I have mixed feelings about a used deck I bought awhile ago, because I think there is a possibility that it may have been peed on... :S


Also I have mixed feelings about a used deck I bought awhile ago, because I think there is a possibility that it may have been peed on... :S

Um, gross! I'd wish I hadn't bought that too. /horrified

As for me, I really regret the Wildwood. :( I know a lot of people are nuts about it, and I wanted it so much. Then it arrived damaged, Amazon wouldn't accept a return, getting the damaged cards (poor poor queen of bows) replaced was an enormous hassle. And after all that... I just couldn't connect with it at all. I hate the cardstock, I hate the flat plain backs, I really hate the scary man on the 9 bows card, it's too big to shuffle properly... and I can't read with it at all. I never can decide whether to keep it or give it away. But for right now I keep it, because it's so beautiful, and I wanted to like it so much that I think it left some kind of residual liking. But I wish I hadn't spent the money, all I do with it is take it out and ogle it, then put it away again. Oh well at least it was inexpensive.