"The Tarot Court Cards" by Kate Warwick-Smith


I just bought this book and I am having a hard time understanding how it can help me apply the court cards in a practical reading.

Sometimes it is hard to distinguish when a court card is meant to apply to a person or an actual situation. My expectation of this book was that it would help me in making that distinction.

So far, this book is not what I was looking for. It seems to focus mostly on the spiritual significance of the court cards. She provides a small section for each card called a "divination guideline". I didn't find this section too helpful either.

Perhaps there is another section that would provide me with the insight that I am looking for.

Has anyone ever used this book? If so, in what way has it helped you in learning the court cards? Maybe there is a way that I can apply it in my tarot learning process. If not, I guess I'll just return it.


It turns out that I didn't buy this book

...in a casual browse, I thought it would be a very good book. I was comparing it mentally to another book on tarot archetypes that described court cards in a Thoth-style and Jungian/or personality typing...I don't have that title handy. The subtitle is "Discovering Your Self Through Tarot Archetypes" and it is by Rose Gwain. I went home and read a bit from Rose Gwain's book and then last night compared both the Court Cards book and then another Llewellyn book on Tarot and Dreams.
I decided to skip Warwick-Smith's book, it really didn't have the depth that I enjoyed in Rose Gwain's briefer discussions. I'm sorry, I don't have a recommendation for your specific topic---in brief practise readings I usually ask if the querent finds the court card as an aspect of themselves, a situational setting or if there is a personality involved. For instance, if it's the Page of Cups and there's a playful and soft card nearby such as 6 of Cups, I'll suggest there is a soft, young and playful mood with receptiveness either about the situation or in someone's ideas or memories. If the Page is reversed, I'd pinpoint it as a yearning or hope, but you are right--I cannot tell actually if it's the querent or situation that is evoking the idea or yearning of youth.


Thanks for your input...... :)

Shortly after I posted this thread I returned the book. I agree with you. This book doesn't have the same depth as other similar books. I have enjoyed books like "tarot and the journey of the hero" by Hajo Banzhaf and "mastering the tarot" by Julet Sarman-Burke. These both books have been helpful in my learning the tarot on a spiritual level. :CL :CL :)


I'm still waiting to get Mary K. Greer's book on this topic. If I ever get it I will give you an opinion on that one. In the meantime, good luck!

R :)


Definitely! Let me know.... I really want to get into the court cards.... I am sure that I am not the only one who has trouble with them. From what I see so far in the forum - I am definitely not alone.

Look forward to your review on that book.

Who knows, maybe I will get it anyway.


Yes, I saw that a tarot court cards book had come out and I was excited, as I believed that it was the one by Mary Greer... then I saw that her book was still yet to be released.. I was relieved because I, well, I guess "trust" is the correct word... I trust her as an author. I was concerned that maybe she was no longer planning on doing that book, but as far as I have heard, she still is... so at least we can look forward to that.



I am also awaiting Ms. Greer's book on the court cards. Hoever, I am wondering... Do you have "Tarot Reversals" by Mary K. Greer? The title is a little misleading, this book is about so much more than just the reversed meanings of the cards. The write ups on the court cards are very good. It is a book that I highly recommend.


i have the book

i find it more easy to understand then the discover yourself through tarot by rose.
i specially like how they approach how the court cards have evolved over time

i am still waiting for mary k greer court cards for i feel that with these two books (when the old tarot court comes out) that will be all one needs in order to learn the court cards

yet ,,

as with any book, they are just guidelines, if you see court cards as people so be it , stay with it until you want to get more in depth,
or if you see the court cards as primordal elemental forces more power to you ,

yet ..
the court cards book has helped me greatly :O) and it will require more study eheh.