Beginner's Reflections: Ace of Deniers


OK... firstly, forgive my poor grasp of the French language. LOL.

Here are some of my reflections on this card. I thought it would be cool if we could have a discussion of this card in the same style as the free approach taken to discussion of the Ace of Bastons in a previous thread. I am using the Fournier deck.

I cannot help but feel compelled to turn this card on its side. I have the feeling that it is a huge drum, held in place by some ornate framework. Does anyone else see this?

This particular Ace is, I feel, related to creation, and to the material/physical plane. I feel that it represents a seed which will finally grow into a physical form. Therefore, I am thinking that the drum analogy is very apt.

If one were to beat this drum, then a vibration would be given off. In my own particular spiritual approach, all is vibration. Each and every object is vibrating at a certain level. For me, then, this drum represents the vibration of physical reality. It is the potential for creation to begin. The drum therefore represents the potential for physical manifestation.


First reactions - a circle, perfection, a coin, the world, wholeness, contentment, the circle of life.

This card has a huge coin which dominates the card. Its an invitation to take this coin and do as you will with it. You could put it to work, invest it, train it, use it as the basis for something else, to build upon.

Everytime I look at this card I see one of those big brass, ornate door knobs - one turn and your in! You do have to turn the knob though and this movement comes in the two. For the moment, the knob is just there, full of potential. Its the only thing that stops you from going through the door. You could almost say the pathways are depicted too.

It has a solidity about it. In the Hadar deck, the leaf stems are red at the bottom and blue at the top indicating the importance of balancing your material needs and your emotional/spiritual ones. There is a consolidation of effort in this card with the potential to grow and manifest.

J :)


A beautiful golden circle with circles and other designs within, and a simple flower in the centre. From the top and the bottom, or which ever way you look at it, perfectly symmetrical plants appear, each with two simple red an yellow flowers.

The circle is such a familiar shape and although it commonly appears in nature, this one is perfect and has designs within which speaks to me of human construction. Most of the Marseilles pips have flowers, reminding one of a garden and our human capacity to build our own gardens, shape our own destinies. The garden is the metaphor for human activity and experience .

This Ace is the symbol for me of directed and focused work and energy. It is very beautiful and its symmetry has a peaceful and grounding effect as one looks at the card. This image has an immensely strong and peaceful impact on me. Looking at it, t I feel as though my thoughts are drawn to order. I am reminded of the greater design and my part in it.. There is something immensely peaceful in the contemplation of this circle, the yellow, gold, brown and orange. It is the ground which centres and allows one to grow with vitality and beauty, like the flowers in the image.


OK....I apologize in advance if this is repetitive, but I specifically avoided reading the previous posts so that I would not be influenced in my interpretation. :p

The large, golden medallion in the center~the denier~reminds me of the sun, with its golden rays reaching out to the edges. Within the sun there is a flower....which makes me think of growth, blossoming....the renewal of growth in the spring and the sustained growth during summer. Tenacity perhaps???

When the symbolism is combined with the number (Ace=perfection, new beginnings) and suit (Deniers=material wealth, prosperity, business matters) associations, I would interpret this card as showing positive signs of new growth, or continued prosperity in matters of finances or business/career opportunities. Bright new prospects are on the horizon....

This is fun! :D

Now I am going back to see what others came up with....

:) Luna


Moongold said:
Most of the Marseilles pips have flowers, reminding one of a garden and our human capacity to build our own gardens, shape our own destinies. The garden is the metaphor for human activity and experience ...It is the ground which centres and allows one to grow with vitality and beauty, like the flowers in the image.

Very true, Moongold....I was thinking of a garden too as I looked at this card....with a giant sunflower poking up through the smaller plants!

:) Luna

Rusty Neon

In the Marseilles deck, the garden card par excellence is the 4 of Coins.


Centaur said:
This particular Ace is, I feel, related to creation, and to the material/physical plane. I feel that it represents a seed which will finally grow into a physical form. Therefore, I am thinking that the drum analogy is very apt.

If one were to beat this drum, then a vibration would be given off. In my own particular spiritual approach, all is vibration. Each and every object is vibrating at a certain level. For me, then, this drum represents the vibration of physical reality. It is the potential for creation to begin. The drum therefore represents the potential for physical manifestation.

Very interesting take onthis card, Centaur....I would not have seen the drum, but now that you have pointed it out...there it is! I like your analogy of the vibrations of a drum being representative of our physical reality.....

I am really enjoying these is always fascinating to hear how others interpret the same image...opens up new ideas, different ways of viewing and thinking about things....

:D Luna


Camoin-Jodo deck...

This is completely my own way of looking at this...I have read the other posts...this is such a wonderful way to "gain insight" into the TdM....

Some elements I see have been mentioned...but here is what I see when I meditate on the card...

The large center denier is like the world inside a mirror reflecting back at me as I look at it....I see the two garlands perfectly symmetrical above and below as the "stand" in which the world/mirror is held as I stand before it...somehow, the large denier holds all I need to succeed in my material plane. I am the center flower of orange, blue and red...four large petals perhaps representing the four, fire, air, water...also a perfect tetrad: this world, in its perfect structure from outer to inner seems mathematical, intellectual....the points are passion, the circles are unity and love...and I am the blossoming flower in the center of the world my core is a red seed, planted, ready to burst from the fire of the rays around my outer core....

Layers, within layers, within inner seed ready to begin, to start , to grow...with each outer layer offering all I need to accomplish my goal..

There are two perfect circles...the outer one filled with triangles...
perfect mind/body/spirit...but they somehow seem chaotic to me, whereas,
the "tetrad" inner circle seems organized...tellling me that out of seeming chaos, order will come...

Also, the four flowers that look like tulips growing from the garlands that curl inward also seem to reinforce the "fourness," a foretelling of the flower that the bud WITHIN the circle shall become....


love this deck!


tmgrl2 said:
Layers, within layers, within inner seed ready to begin, to start , to grow...with each outer layer offering all I need to accomplish my goal..

I really like that! :)

I think that it is very refreshing to hear so many different takes on the one card.

Jewel-ry, I like your take re. the door handle. Very novel!!!


I love the door handle image too, Jewel-ry....I just said on another thread similar to this one...I feel as I read each post, that new imagery is tucked away inside me ....I know it will come out when I need it....I am amazed over and over as I read these TdM threads at how much is THERE.....
