Enchanted Wisdom Oracle Cards - Suggestions please?


Howdy Beautiful Souls.

Enchanted Wisdom Oracle Cards is a project of mine I'm looking to get crowdfunded. As an intuitive and healer, my aim is to have the cards be read more intuitively by readers rather than having to 'learn' a book which tells you each cards meaning. Most of my artwork is spiritual imbued, whimsical and enchanting, filled with symbolism in colors and imagery as well with brief messages on the front.

I have 40 cards already. A name for the cards, but I NEVER realized just how much money it cost to get cards published! I have a kickstarter campaign that I just started but what I was wondering was if anyone here has suggestions or tips or other ideas on getting cards published from their own experiences (or friends too!).

I'd appreciate the assistance. It's all a bit overwhelming. Several printing companies want at least a 1000 decks ordered first and foremost and well I don't have that kind of money just flowing around lol.

Thank you first and foremost in advance! If you'd like to see samples, I'd be willing to share. :)

Thanks again in advance. Any help will be great!


Hi InertiaRose,

Welcome to the forums! :) Besides whatever replies you get here, do be sure to check out our Tarot Deck Creation Forum, especially the top two pinned threads (the ones whose titles begin with "Note:"). Lots of good info there!

Lee, Oracles Moderator