When you find that one Tarot deck


I've been reading Tarot cards since my teens, and I'm 30 now. I started getting a lot more serious about it probably about 2 years ago, but I struggled to find a deck I could understand and connect with on an intuitive level.

A few months ago, I bought a beautiful deck I found on Etsy, and my reading has come leaps and bounds. I love the deck so much, and my readings have become much more intuitive. I keep getting confirmation that I'm pretty accurate too. Sometimes I have to look at the keyword sheet that came with the deck, but with previous decks I've struggled to interpret past the few keywords the little white book offers. With this deck, I just know what it's saying.

Has anyone had this experience? They find the right deck and things just click?

Miss Woo


I have experienced this exact same thing with my Soprafino, Il Meneghello deck.

I almost came close to giving up the Tarot because I couldn't find a deck (or reading style) that worked for me.

But I love my Soprafino deck so much that that's all I will ever use until they run out of copies.

Also, I sometimes joke around that my Soprafino deck is my Italian lover and I actually kiss it and tell it how much I love it LOL. I think it feels the same way too!

Pam O

.....I love the deck so much, and my readings have become much more intuitive. I keep getting confirmation that I'm pretty accurate too. Sometimes I have to look at the keyword sheet that came with the deck, but with previous decks I've struggled to interpret past the few keywords the little white book offers. With this deck, I just know what it's saying.

Has anyone had this experience? They find the right deck and things just click?

YES here too. I have decks that read awesome! Some I love the art, and the messages just flow.

Then there are others like Kitty Kahane. Strange pictures, but I get great readings. If it was not for a very passionate thread here, I would never have experienced that deck's wonder, because the art is not my style. This is a deck I grab if another is not coming thru.

...and sometimes the key is to let go of the LWB. I had a super hard time reading one of my first decks, the Robin Wood. The LWB was so harsh, so black and white and negative at times. Finally, I got rid of that LWB. When it was gone, I was so much happier.


Yes l understand what you say Jeh, l have had many decks some were okay but they had their moments of really not saying much. Others started off being wonderful then suddenly it was like a light switch going off.
l now have a beautiful deck that the more l read with it the more it reveals, l experience the same as you in that l know and understand exactly what it is saying. My deck is the German version of Roots of Asia, and as l cannot speak a word of German the lwb was of no use for me, yet that has been the biggest release for me. l allowed the images to tell their stories without me mentally drawing upon any lwb. It is so liberating and the more l read with this deck the more it reveals. It is not quite like an RWS clone, it has a more spiritual feel to it, l absolutely love it. When reading for others it all flows so naturally and without hesitation. Its a joy to have a deck where the light switch stays on.
l have never clicked with a deck to this heightened degree of intuition and knowing before, so l understand exactly what you mean.


I've not had that one deck which speaks volumes over all others. I'll say that I seem to connect equally well with RWS, Thoth, and several Marseille decks. That's not to say though that I won't someday find that golden grail of all decks. I do keep my eyes open.

I'm curious though Jeh, which deck is it that you've connected with so well?


Yes, Vanessa Tarot, Whimsical Tarot and now the Tarot of the Absurd is mine decks.


...Also, I sometimes joke around that my Soprafino deck is my Italian lover and I actually kiss it and tell it how much I love it LOL. I think it feels the same way too!

If I may say so, I find your unbridled love for the Soprafino quite endearing. ;)

Miss Woo

If I may say so, I find your unbridled love for the Soprafino quite endearing. ;)

Haha, thanks :)

It's like I've found my perfect match. I can't believe how unhappy I was before with other decks. I just thought it was normal.


I've had several decks, and I've clicked with each on various levels. However, it was when I got my RW deck, which was my biological mother's favorite, that I had an extremely strong connection. It's still my favorite deck.


I used to flit from one deck to another until I found my "one," and now I rarely, if ever, use another. Ever since I picked up the Thoth ten years ago I have felt no need to use another, it is as if it was made especially for me. From time to time I have qualms that maybe I'm missing out on other decks, but none have ever pulled me in like that one. It is truly "mine."