Pluto enters Capricorn today


i heard that pluto will be in capricorn for a very long time, i was wondering how will that affect people who are capricorns any ideas ?


I am new at astrology but busy studying, so take this with a grain of salt, but I was under the impression that horary astrology (ibid Pluto entering Capricorn) has more to do with world events than personal ones. To see how Pluto effects an individual would be based on where Pluto is in your chart and its aspect to other planets in your chart.


Ok this is a bit too long, but here goes anyway*

Pluto moves back into (capricorn) your sign, this time for years. This essentially makes you Queen of all you survey. Most of you have spent the last several years learning hard lessons the hard way, so this next patch could seem like a walk in the park. You will only get stronger during this lengthy Pluto transit. You'll also grow increasingly more aware of your own power, talent and other formidable gifts. You won't feel the least bit inclined to brag or cater to someone else. You'll be difficult - if not impossible - to intimidate or impress. You'll grow tougher, stronger and as steady as the Rock of Gibraltar. You'll also discover that you don't need anyone. You may, on occasion, want someone. Overall, however, you're very self-sufficient and self-possessed. This will be a wonderful phase for most of you - a time when you easily absorb wisdom and then freely dispense it to those that request it. You will come to treasure your privacy even more than you have in the past

*Pluto in Capricorn


Kilted Kat,

I think you might be confusing horary and mundane Astrology. It's mundane Astrology that studies the charts of peoples and nations and hence tends to deal with long time scales. In this branch of Astrology it's actually possible to study Pluto returns, providing the nation has been in existence for more that 250 years and it's also possible to identify a unique time and date of 'birth'.

Horary Astrology attempts to answer questions which have an immediate significance. Because of its slow movement it's virtually impossible for Pluto to affect the reading of such a chart by it's movement. Most horary Astrologers don't use the outer planets, preferring to follow the rules laid down in times before they were discovered.

In terms of natal Astrology, Pluto changing signs is unlikely to have any significance at all, in itself. To the extent that such movement brings it into aspect with other natal planets, then there may well be some significance. So if your Sun is in early Capricorn then there may well be an effect through a transiting Pluto conjoining your natal Sun, though remember that Pluto moves at little more than 1 degree per year.

Personally, I don't use Pluto in natal Astrology (or for that matter any other branch), Effects attributed to it can usually be explained using the seven traditional planets.


Thank you for the clarification Minderwiz. I hadn't heard of mundane astrologybefore. One more thing to put in my notes.


So what significance does this have on children born say a few days ago? A friend just had a baby the 12th. Also I heard that this full moon is one of the fullest... the moon is closer to the earth than usual... so what does that mean?


Firstly Pluto is treated as a generational planet, so any significance it has applies to all children born whilst Pluto is transiting Capricorn. Unless Pluto is in very close aspect to Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars or Mercury or has a close aspect to the Ascendant or MC there is no particular significance for the new born child.

The Full Moon is much more significant than Pluto in terms of personal horoscopes, though again aspects to personal planets or Ascendant or MC will denote particular importance, especially if the Moon is on one of the natal angles. The closeness of the Moon to Earth at this Full Moon would enhance this lunar theme, though not as much as if there were a lunar eclipse (or for that matter a solar eclipse).


I usually give it a quick check in natal. If it makes a partile aspect to a crucial degree or planet (as does mine, and even moreso in antiscia), then yes, you may notice it.

Partile aspect: Within the same degree. So if you have Pluto at 18.02 Leo, and Sun at 18.51 Leo, it's partile. If, OTOH, you have Pluto at 18.02 Leo, and Sun at 17.52 Leo, it's not partile. If it is out-of-sign (say Pluto at 29.58 Leo, and Sun at 0.01 Virgo) you have no aspect, though that's up for debate amongst traditonals - but personally, I simply can't see it once you're out of the sign boundary.

Only count sextile, square, trine, opposition, and it's not really an aspect, but for the sake of convenience we'll call it one - conjunction - when you're doing this.

Had a rather intense exchange with someone yesterday whose Venus and my Sun are both exactly conjunct to each other AND in strong partile aspect to Pluto, so....maybe.

And I'll never forget the pounding my Saturn and Ascendant took while it was going through Sag.

But mostly I agree with Minderwiz. The outer planets don't rule any of the signs, nor do they give any light, so look at it, but unless it's really, really strong in your chart, it probably won't make a difference - and you can indeed find plenty of testimonies with the traditional planets that'll back it up. Charts are funny that way.


Personally, I don't use Pluto much if at all, so I was trying to give an objective a statement as I could. By 'close aspect' I would mean the same as Gavriela it has to be a partile aspect but I don't think I'd pay equal attention to a sextile, compared to trine, opposition, square or conjunction and I'd probably give more weight to the last three. I'd also take into consideration the house position - more attention if Pluto is angular (and meets the above conditions) much less attention if it is cadent and no attention at all if it is not in partile aspect.

Even so, It would have to be something particularly special because, like Gavriela, I'd normally expect the traditional planets to tell all.

Traditionally, if you can't see it (it doesn't reflect the light) then it has no power. Indeed that is why eclipses are taken so seriously - an eclipse stops the visibility of Sun or Moon, and hence takes away their power (for a short period). Pluto never being visible, should not have any power at all (likewise Neptune but Uranus is a little more arguable).

OK this doesn't stop a lot of people treating Pluto as though it were of prime importance but I have never seen any rationale to support such a case.


What about the effect of Pluto moving into Capricorn on charts that are Pluto ruled, like mine, with a Scorpio ascendant (my Sun is in Pisces)? I know Pluto took a backseat as a planet since it was demoted a while back...but I still think it has significance in a person's chart.