When Neptune is in the picture...


Maggiemay said:
Hey franniee,

Just wondering : do you have psychic abilities?

Maggie :)

Do you think that Neptune has something to do with psychic abilities? I do and I've read many articles stating as such. I'm not sure what aspects of Neptune would give the most powerful abilities or if it is measured by how many planets are aspected by Neptune. If that makes sense!

My chart has Neptune aspected by almost every planet. My abilities are a bit of each clair and definitely extremely empathic (like Franniee). It seems that I'm getting more clairvoyant, however. How much of all this Neptune has to do with, I'm not sure. I've only read articles.


Cactus said:
Do you think that Neptune has something to do with psychic abilities?

Well, most of my readings support the idea that Neptune is related to psychic abilities ( b/c Neptune is a 'high' vibration type of energy and dissolves borders).

I am sooo intrigued by this, that I actually, looked at charts of known Mediums and psychic to see what is going on... I could not tell you that I saw a pattern as such.

James Van Praagh for instance has nice Neptune aspects and his Neptune is in Scorpio...but then again, I can't tell if he really is a psychic or just a con-artist. I mean, I have no way of telling...

That being said, these are the aspects that would make (me) think of mediumnistic abilities :

- Sun or Moon or Mercury in pisces
- Strong Neptune aspects
- Pisces in the 3rd house ( communication)
- Neptune in the 3rd house
- Neptune in the 12th house (?)
- Mercury in strong aspect with Neptune...
- Key aspects on the luminaries or mercury with Uranus and Neptune...

I wish I just knew...

Maggie :)


It's not just aspects and placement of neptune Merc and the moon aspects also infer psychic abilities.


Yes, Franniee, you're right - and both of you mentioned Merc.

I remember reading that though Mercury in Pisces is in it's detriment? or fall? I forget...anyway, that it makes for mediumistic tendencies. I'd say probably because the way you communicate or receive information (Merc) is in a Pisces/Neptunian way (open, receptive, calm, spiritual moreso than grounded and physical...)

My husband's Merc is in Pisces and although he can't say he's a medium, he has admitted that he senses spirits. But he's very modest about it and also he is not as intrigued with astrology and psychic aspects as I am!

My Moon is in Pisces and my Mercury is in Gemini and I've been told that that could make me psychic but overwhelmed by receiving too much psychic info. OR it could just make me good at communicating what psychic stuff I encounter! Because my chart is loaded with Gemini (Sun, Asc, Merc & Mars)!

My Neptune aspects and Moon aspects must be strong for me to even sense any psychic abilities in myself! :)


I wouldn't be surprised if Mercury in pisces was both in fall & in detriment! lol

Edgar Cayce had pretty much everything in pisces and the Moon in Taurus ( if my memory is good) and apparently he was able to learn thru osmoses.

So for example, he would put a book (which ever book) under his pillow at night, and the next morning he knew the whole book...by osmoses.

The pisces energy is absolutely phenomenal, I find.

So, Cactus, are you going to put a book under your pillow tonight? LOL

Maggie :)


Maggie put her finger on it with one of her comments on James Van Praagh, there's no way of knowing (for sure). There's lots of debate over psychic abilities and whether they exist and can be measured. Like many on the forum, I believe they do exist, indeed my wife gives me living proof of that, and to a limited extent I feell I have them too.

Within a natal (or other chart) there's no agreed signatures. Neptune would be an obvious candidate, given the psychological view of the planet but how it would identify as such is anybody's guess and fundamentally unprovable. There's also the mild issue of whether psychic abilities are genetic or learned, in which case the natal chart may be of limited, or no use.

We can dismiss Neptune's sign, as it is in each sign on average for around 15 years - we can't say that ALL the people born during that 15 years will be psychic and NO ONE will be born psychic for another 160 years.

Neptune's house placement would be something to consider but we would need to decide on which house reflected psychic abilities. The link with the twelfth is a very modern view, and is perhaps a reflection of attempts to give the twelfth a better image. The house of spirituality is the ninth, which is also the house of long distance communication and travel. It is the house of unusual or non-routine communication. So I'd favour that but, I repeat, there's no way of testing this.

Aspects to Neptune are the next possibility, I'd look at very tight conjunctions, or trines to Sun, Moon or Mercury, or possibly the Ascendant or MC.

However, all of that presumes that Neptune is involved somewhere, rather than Uranus (the unusual) or Jupiter (ruler of religions and spirituality), or, of course, the Sun and Moon.

Most Astrological explanations are constructed to suit a particular view of the psychic, and until we have an accepted recognition and definition of what 'psychic' is we will be left speculating.


I tend to view Neptune as a fuzzy, confusing influence over a large group of people and over events, rather than an individual influence. I am a triple Pisces (Sun, Mercury, Saturn) - quadruple if you count Chiron - but consider the ruler of Pisces to be Jupiter. And indeed I am more of a Jupiterian person. My moon is in Sagittarius - another Jupiterian sign.

As for its supposed psychic influence - well, being confusing, I don't think Neptune would be very useful if you want to get clear messages! Clairvoyance and the other clairs (I practice 3 of them) need discipline and clarity, quiet and the ability to expand the mind beyond the limits of the immediate environment. For my money, Jupiter fulfills that role admirably; and the 9th house sounds about right too, although I might choose the 12th house when picking up psychic information about hidden enemies. It could also be the house where delusions about psychic matters are shown (paranoia, etc.).

Another important element in looking for influences is to see what the ruler of your Ascendant is up to, since that shows how you articulate yourself in the world, including any psychic abilities you might use. I have Gemini rising - its ruler is Mercury...and my Mercury is in Pisces. It is NOT comfortable there (in detriment and fall), but it is given the ability to communicate beyond the visible world. Although its placement in the 11th house means it can get pretty crowded in my head :D


Well, I don't know what to think any more!! lol

I have Neptune in my 9th house (sagit.) coupled by a pisces asc. And the both of them squaring one another.

Now, as far as mediumship is concerned, I am clueless most of the time! I wouldn't even claim being remotely intuitive!

Why shouldn't we consider the 8th house for psychic aptitudes?

On the other hand, my mars in cancer gives premonitions and ''weird feelings'' when something is about to happen... but then again, apart from becoming nervous, I usually have no clue what's about to go down...

so, here is for my little story!! lol

Maggie :)


What's your Jupiter up to? (ruler of your Ascendant)

8th house - maybe for communication with the dead? I wouldn't really see that house for psychic matters in general but this type of mediumship might fit.


Good question!

My jupiter is in the 2nd house....in Taurus... ( now I understand why I am not intuitive for the life of me!)

Maggie :)