Steampunk Tarot


Steampunk Tarot for daily readings

I have used the Steampunk Tarot every day since I got it almost a month ago. I use it for my daily advice reading, which allows me to see how the events of my day are reflected in the cards.
I didn't think the deck would become a regular reading deck, but it has. For me, it reads well, and I have started posting some of the cards and the day's experience related to them on my Facebook page. The imagery allows me a fresh perspective on meanings and interpretations for the cards. I especially like how there are readers (Barbara Moore calls them "oracles" in the companion book) using cards throughout the deck (on cards you wouldn't think other than the High Priestess), so I pay attention to those when they show up.
One card that has been interesting when it has shown up has been the 10 of Swords. On a day it showed up in my daily reading, I drove by an apartment building that was burning down to the ground. Later, news reports had said that 46 people were now homeless, and four lives were lost. One aspect of the 10 of Swords I thought about was that there are situations in which there is nothing we can do (that sense of immobility or helplessness). Another thing I gained from this card, when looking at the image (a businessman with the swords sticking out of his body and his briefcase near his body, on a rooftop--and there is a card next to him as well!), I get the sense of a situation that is no longer "working," and that it is time to make a lifestyle change. A person has made it to the top of his profession (there is nowhere else to go), and the work no longer does anything for him.
Today, one of the cards in my Celtic Cross was the Devil. As I reflected on the card, I noticed the strings attached from the "monster's" hands to the men who are trying to stop it. I immediately thought of manipulation, of being someone's puppet, or having someone "pulling the strings" (control) in a situation. In a positive sense, this could mean someone having a lot of "pull" (pulling strings again), which could come about as being able to pay a debt (the Devil can be about indebtedness). I then thought about the idea of being empowered enough to cut the ties that bind us to another person or persons that have a negative effect on us.
The 7 of Wands has appeared the last two days in my daily draw. Today, the cube the figure stands on had me thinking about the "platforms" we stand on for the work we do in the world (I associate Wands with work, business, and enterprise).
These are just some ways that this deck has given me a fresh take on some of the cards. I will post more as they occur, which will also continue to bump the thread.



I bought this deck several weeks ago and hardly touched the deck. This deck is the only one in my collection that the only images connect with modern era. I bought manly for the theme. The cards stay with the theme and does not deviate from the classic WRS system like the wizards tarot. I like the king of wands of this deck. While the fire signs are of actions, this is the only kg of wands that is not sitting down on the throne but behind the throne. The king is a leader and a good leader leads from the front and not sitting down. This king of wands recognizes his authority, and in more than willing to get his hands dirty like everyone else


just took the deck out

Inspected and decontaminated the deck and did a brief reading. Absolutely love the Steampunk illustrations, which I did not expect.


I've had the Steampunk Tarot for about a month now.

It is with me daily, and has served me well through a rocky time.

I love the imagery and the world I enter into when gazing at the cards.

The book is brilliant too - down to earth, makes complete sense and has given me a different perspective on several cards.

Very refreshing :)


I've ordered mine from BD too - I'm a sucker(punch) for steampunk so am looking forward to this. All this talk of chocolate but from the look of the scans this really needs a dark brown velvet bag :D

Also the price on BD is pretty good in comparison to Amazon - almost £6 cheaper?!

Ahh! I'm glad you put in the "(punch)" in!!! I totally forgot about how that movie is related!


The more and more i read about peoples comments on this deck the more i am tempted to buy it lol and i have already placed it in my Amazon basket ready for payday ;)


Page of Wands/Cups & Knight of Swords

However, I have to say there is one thing that is such a killer for me and all afternoon I have been getting the deck out and trying to overlook it and find that I cannot; the imbalanced courts. Think about it; each tarot suit has 4 courts; we have two genders. Not a difficult division to make. But we have three female courts and one male court in 3 of the suits. It completely invalidates what I think of as court cards and the dynamism of opposing energies. Too much Yin and only a quarter of Yang. I can't get my head round this. Only the Pentacles suits has a male Knight, the other three suits have female Knights. And they don't look like Knights (as in, none of the thrusting dynamism of the suit). All static. So basically female Knights (along with female Pages and female Queens) imbalances the suits of Wands, Cups and swords. Why would one do that?

Personally, I find the Page of Cups, the Page of Wands, and the Knight of Swords to be rather androgynous... They appear to me as "handsome girls" or "pretty men" in my minds eye. Sure, they may have earrings and makeup on, but many men these days do, and men wearing makeup occurs a lot in the Gohic sub-culture. There is little emphasis on the bust area, which could be due to lack of development (as to some, the Pages can represent children), or just the clothing they happen to be wearing. -But think of the rest of the obviously well-busted female icons in the deck wearing male clothing; their full chests are obvious at first glance....

Could just be me... Or my sub-conscious trying to level out the courts' balance of fe/male energies. ;]


Steampunk Bag

Barbara Moore was in Denver talking about the deck over the weekend. She was carrying her deck in a Steampunk Tarot Bag and she said that it would be available for sale later in the year. I can't remember for sure, but I think it was The High Priestess card on the front of the bag.


I received my Steampunk Bag today, and yes it is the High Priestess! It should be available on BD now...


What is BD and is it online? I would love to get a bag thats perfect for this deck and something that my deck wants to live in.
I received my Steampunk Bag today, and yes it is the High Priestess! It should be available on BD now...