Prophetic Tarot of the Bible


Giordano Berti has just launched a campaign for this one - Severino Baraldi is the artist: previous examples of his work include Ramses: Tarot of Eternity, Journey to the Orient, Dragons, White Cats, Druids, Marseille Cat...,w_620/v1487602311/hxqv0jtxvftybv5ficnq.jpg

And being him I have no doubt that we will get the decks. It sort of takes bible events and illustrates them with present day events that match, using famous people (Schweitzer; the Pope, Mother Theresa, I THINK I see Mandela...) as the characters. I won't quote all the info on the indiegogo page, as you can all read - but I think this one looks really interesting.

Just a heads up !


oh! this looks fantastic!:)) always happy to see up today decks!^^ tnx4sharing!^^ lolz :))


Is that Colonal Sanders as the Knight of Cups?? XD


I THINK it's Schweitzer. There looks to be a hospital in the background.


Yes Gregory, he is Albert Schweitzer (Y)
I put a lot of persons of contemporarary history in this deck.

I THINK it's Schweitzer. There looks to be a hospital in the background.